Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Would You Like Fries With Your Health Reform?

I have this neat tool from Google that gives me data on the visits to my blog. The analysis shows that postings about food attract more visitors than health reform. So from now on I'll be disguising my health reform campaign with foodie titles to attract the hungry reader!

It doesn’t surprise me. I’m a softie for a good food review too. After seeing “Julie and Julia” I became even more attuned to food articles. And who wants to keep rehashing and ruminating about health reform everyday- enough already! I can’t consume everything on my plate about that meaty subject anyway…and besides, the opponents of health reform give me heartburn…

OK- I realize I can’t cook or write that well, but I’ll keep doing both because I enjoy it- and in the process sneak a few political views into the recipes! I hope you’ll take them with a grain of salt…

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