Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Last Ditch Attempt to Kill All Health Reforms

Republicans in several states are pushing for state constitutional amendments that would prevent mandating all citizens purchase insurance. (You can read about here: NY Times Article ) I feel the long arm of the health cartel putting the squeeze on, one last time. This is nothing more than a back door attempt to kill the health reforms and keep the status quo. They’re hiding their real intentions behind a lofty ideal of defending people’s right to choose, in this case, to not be insured – that might include people who are very healthy, young, above the income level to qualify for Medicaid, but too poor to buy insurance- and Bill Gates. So why are they really doing it?

The private companies need full participation in order to expand the risk pool. This makes it possible for them to take on all comers, and still be profitable. The mandates are created only for the benefit of the private insurance companies. Mandated coverage is a Government hand out to the insurance companies. Think about it- we’re passing a law, whereby you have to purchase private insurance. I don’t like the sound of that myself, but having a large risk pool is key to the only two reforms still alive in the bill: being denied and being kick out.

If states are able to nix mandated insurance, then the private insurance companies can claim foul, and refuse to insure people, and kick people off their policies. Their deal with Congress is contingent on universal participation. If the states succeed in undoing the mandated coverage, all the health care reforms will be lost. It’ll be the status quo, and health cartel will have won. The Republicans will have successfully killed all the reforms.

It just goes to prove that a 100 corporations have more control over our democracy, than 300 million people. Single payer health care would be the only true reform of our health care system. We should have Medicare for all. What’s coming out of health reform is a joke, and the joke's on us... the people.

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