Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Two Hot Dogs and a Coke for 50 Cents!

Now opponents of health care reform say we should just do nothing. We can’t afford the changes. It’ll be too costly. When I was a kid I could buy 2 hot dogs and a coke for 50 cents at Nichol’s Drive-in. Today it costs more than $5, probably closer to $7. Sure, health care will cost more tomorrow than it does today. Everything will cost more tomorrow than it does today. So what’s the point? Should we put our heads in the sand and ignore the existing health care problems? Are we going to pretend that everything is ok, continue to spend $10,000-$20,000 for health insurance annually, and live with the sorry state of what we get for our money?

If you believe that everything is just peachy, and we don’t need to reform health care- you might as well join the “Flat Earth Society”, because you’ll be in the good company of other people who go through life defying all logic and reason.

Who would argue against basic reforms like preventing insurance companies from dropping you when you get sick, or not allowing insurance companies to deny you coverage with pre-existing conditions, or removing caps on life time medical payouts? Everyone benefits from these changes. Without these basic health reforms New Hampshire will become the “Live Sick and Die” state!

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