Thursday, September 10, 2009

What if We Lost the Revolutionary War?

How long would we have remained a colony or a member of the commonwealth of the UK? My guess is we would have taken a course similar to Canada and Australia. Today we would undoubtedly be a free, self-governing, sovereign nation. But would it look different? Sure, we’d have Queen Elizabeth on our money. Would England have abolished slavery before we did or after we did? England had outlawed slavery long before we did. So it could’ve been sooner. Would expansion to the west still have taken place without regard for the Native American sovereignty? Absolutely. Great Britain was the largest empire ever to exist, and never considered the well being of native peoples, except for their economic gain. Westward expansion would’ve happened anyway.

So in the end, America would’ve grown as it did anyway. We might not have had a war over slavery, or it may have been a second revolution by the southern states. I don’t think it would’ve made any difference in the end. We'd still have Conservatives like Joe Wilson, but maybe we'd also have single payer health care...

Do you think the US would be different today if we lost the Revolutionary War?

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