Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat- Is that Joe Lieberman Behind the Joe Lieberman Mask?

Poor Joe, he’s standing at the door saying, “Trick or Treat”, but he already got his treat earlier this year- being able to keep the Chairman’s seat on the Homeland Security Committee- and in exchange for what? Actively campaigning for John McClain? Supporting President Bush’s troop surge in Iraq? Threatening to filibuster with the Republicans against the health care bill? How does a person who stabs you in the back repeatedly deserve such deference? I suppose sixty is his lucky number. As long as Joe is number 60, he can blackmail the Democrats for everything he wants and snub the party in return. It’s something I just can’t understand. If the Democratic Party gets nothing in return for his payola, why do they do it? Is having him caucus with the Democrats really that valuable if he doesn’t go along? Is it the outside chance that he could actually be useful someday? Hardly- He just announced that he will likely campaign for some Republicans in 2010.

Joe Lieberman should shed his Halloween costume- pretending to be Democrat- and just get on with being a Republican. Everything he’s done in the last year has been 24 caret GOP. If the Democrats ever get to 61 seats (not likely in my lifetime), Ole Joe will be thrown out like the old shoe he is. In the meantime, the Democrats are living like the movie Groundhog Day- they get up every day and Joe Lieberman is at the door saying, “Trick or Treat”…

ps- I didn't get this story from Rachel Maddow, we just think alike- that's scary, even on Halloween!

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