As soon as a gay or lesbian warfighter does speak up, as if they were a plain ole American living under all sorts of Constitutional rights, like free speech, etc., they’re banished back to the last century, living under defacto Jim (or Jane) Crowe social laws. How stupid is that?! Pretty stupid, but look who’s leading the charge, ready to filibuster if needed to keep our warfighters in the closet- none other than Senator John (I don’t want you in my fox hole) McCain.
With enough bad press he may very well back off from his filibuster threat, but the gas has already been thrown on the fire. The President wants DADT overturned. So does the military. The House of Representatives has already passed the law. Forty-one holier than thou Republicans seem to know what’s best for America in marked contrast to their mantra- keep big government out of people’s lives – oops, unless you’re gay.
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