Sunday, May 23, 2010

Give Me Liberty and White Only Restrooms too?

Rand Paul, Republican Primary winner for the senate race in Kentucky and love child of the Tea Party, has a good point. The libertarian in Rand can’t let go of the idea that the best government governs the least. He was genuinely sincere in his views opposing Jim Crowe laws and institutionalized segregation. He squirmed badly on the issue of segregation in private enterprise though. He never answered the question put to him, would he support allowing lunch counters to ban people from being served for any reason they choose?  No answer. He ran around the question by asking should we enforce the 2nd amendment on private enterprise, by insisting that guns be allowed anywhere?

He just can’t stand to see government getting in the way of private enterprise- even though he abhors actions such as white only restrooms at gas stations. So there you have it. Government intrusion into private enterprise is more despicable than all acts of hatred and bias toward people for whatever reason. 

There were 10 titles in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He endorsed nine of the ten. The one title he would not have endorsed if he were in Congress in 1964 prohibits discrimination in dealing with the general public. Rand Paul endorsed the continued segregation of lunch counters, white only water coolers and restrooms, white only hotels, white only taxi cabs, white only restaurants. He doesn’t like the ADA either. They can stay on the first floor… businesses shouldn’t be required to install $100,000 elevators…

His principles toward less government outranking all else will have a lot of friends in Wall St, oil, gas, coal, nuclear power and many Tea Partiers can iron their white sheets and “take back the government”, what ever that means…

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