Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sarah Palin Going Rogue: Ready, Fire, Aim

One of the sins of being retired is the opportunity to watch daytime TV. So I must confess I watched Oprah for the first time in my life yesterday. I never watch her show, but she got me yesterday with the Sarah Palin interview. I hope Sarah Palin gets enough money from her book deal to break even from her presidential campaign. She seemed to be exploited by the McCain camp and she deserves to get some money to offset her wardrobe debt. Hell will surely freeze over before I would ever vote for. Her stand on every issue is opposite to mine, but I really wanted to hear her one more time and try to understand what makes her so popular. I sort of enjoyed listening to her. She reminded me of Gracie Allen, except Gracie was sharp and only pretended to be incoherent. Gracie said, “I was so surprised at being born that I didn't speak for a year and a half." Or when asked how to speak French, "You speak it the same way you speak English, you just use different words."  Kinda reminds you of Sarah, doesn't it?

Every once in while Sarah Palin would say something that could be extrapolated to mean something. Her explanation of her response to Katie Curic’s question of what books and magazines she read had a ring of truth. She was upset that a question as demeaning as that would be asked of her, as if she were a country bumpkin, as if magazines and newspapers didn’t exist up in Alaska- she said she refused to answer because she was insulted by the intent of the question. Katie wouldn't ask Hillary that  question. OK. I may give her that one, but I’ll bet “People” was rolling through her mind over an over. If she had been quick on her feet she could’ve said, “I watch your news program every night… I couldn’t be more informed than that now could I, wink – wink …”

I was also taken by her impulsive nature. You never quite know how she will say what you know she will say. Her underlining philosophy is rock solid conservative. Yet the logic behind her explanation of issues is left as an exercise to the listener. If she had been around for the 2000 presidential election what a hoot it would’ve been to have her as GW's running mate. Between the two of them, they would make a complete sentence.

I’m convinced she will reap some cash on her book deal and then head back to Wasilla and hunt moose or be a hockey mom for the rest of her life. She is popular though, and that’s a scary thing to behold. But then, so is NASCAR racing, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Reality TV. If a majority of people ever elect her President they’ll get what they deserve, and I’ll relocate to Canada. Although after hearing her one more time I’m reassured that neither will happen. America isn’t this dense- not even the NASCAR fans.

Oh, one last comment, at least she got her book title right. Here are the definitions of “rogue”:
1. a dishonest, knavish person; scoundrel.
2. a playfully mischievous person; scamp: The youngest boys are little rogues
3. a tramp or vagabond.
4. a rogue elephant or other animal of similar disposition.
5. Biology. a usually inferior organism, esp. a plant, varying markedly from the normal.

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