Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Equality Waltz- Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Two Democrat governors were overturned yesterday and Maine repealed the same sex marriage law. Undoubtedly, the frustration about the economy is to blame for the Democrats getting the boot in Virginia and New Jersey. Probably memories of better times- we suppress the bad times- and clinging to the remote hope that more opportunity under a business friendly Republican governor will be a better path to recovery.

But why did Maine repeal the same sex marriage law? Do the people really lack empathy for the civil rights of others, or is it something deeper? It’s the 31st state to deny same sex marriage by voter referendum. It’s clearly deeper than civil rights. I think it's core values in conflict- a deep-seated belief in the sanctity of marriage is competing with the value of equal rights for all- it’s not surprising that the sanctity of marriage wins that tug of wills.

Parental ghosts of our childhood keep reminding us of what’s right and wrong, no matter if it’s true or not. Those ghosts whispering in our mind prevail. We’re nurtured to believe what we believe. They become truths. They can’t be changed easily. Perception becomes reality and that reality can’t be overturned lightly.

In time, younger people will become parents, and they will instill their values on the next generation. They will undoubtedly be more empathetic than past generations. It’s unfortunate that equal rights can’t be imposed like snapping a finger and saying whala! The Supreme Court could say, “Whala”. Maybe they will someday.  Maybe some day we'll separate religious marriage from civil marriage, but not for many years  I'm sure, if ever.

But progress has still been made. The issue is in the public dialogue. Nearly half of the voters in Maine did vote to uphold same sex marriage- that alone may be marked as a victory of sorts. Would nearly half of the voters have endorsed same sex marriage a generation ago? Not likely. So progress is being made two steps forward and one step back at a time.

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