Thursday, August 13, 2009

If the Health Industry Lobbyists aren’t Worried- the Fat Lady Already Sang!

The NY Times reported today that health industry lobbyists are not worried about the Senate version of the health bill. This means they've won! They have everyone on the Senate Finance Committee in their back pocket. Senator Baucus is the worst of the bunch. He's received more money from the health care industry than any other member of Congress. They were panicked by the thought of a lower cost public option, so they’ve thrown their muscle behind the lesser of two evils- a non-profit private co-op. Watch as they apply pressure to water down the co-op and make it unattractive to the status quo. Over time the health industry can squeeze the co-op out, and we’ll be right back where we are today- stuck with a profit motivated health care system with 47 million uninsured Americans, no choices, no protection from cancellation and no guarantees of coverage with prior conditions.

If the President doesn’t hold his ground on the public option, all this commotion and effort will be for naught, and the health insurance industry will prove they are stronger and more powerful than the democracy they thrive within.

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