Monday, August 24, 2009

Afghanistan- President Obama’s Vietnam?

Iraq was not Vietnam. Afghanistan is. We need to face up to what’s going on. Look at the similarities:

Same tactics:
We fought rebels in South Vietnam, but the enemy was in North Vietnam. Today the rebels are Afghani Taliban, but our enemy is Al Qaeda, based in Pakistan. We say there are links between the two, but in reality the Taliban just want to control their country. While we don’t like what they're doing, why do we have to be in the middle of it? The Taliban forces are not Al Qaeda. Yes, they may be aided by Al Qaeda, but there is a distinction. Al Qaeda wants to harm us. I don't think the Taliban cares about us.

Same Outcome:
We initially got into Vietnam in 1963 and we were there for 12 years. It cost us dearly with American lives. We’ve been in Afghanistan for 8 years. I don’t think America can endure many more years of Americans making the supreme sacrifice in pursuit of a goal that has little direct meaning to America in the end.

We should get out of Afghanistan as soon as possible. Things are getting worse.

Check out this story:

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