Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009: Unemployment, Bailouts, Climate Change, Health Reform, Counter-terrorism, and Skiing

Whew- what a year, one most people would like to do-over or forget. When the skiing is really bad at Cannon the locals have two sayings to strangers to the mountain, “It doesn’t get any better than this”, and “yeah- cold, icy, windy and steep, we ski it so you don’t have to”. There’s something about Cannon that draws some people to love it when it’s at it’s worst, while reaffirming a “never go there again” feeling from others. Gluttons for punishment, the diehards relish the extreme conditions- it builds character and makes you a better skier…I have a lot of unemployed ski buddies hoping their character doesn’t need any more building.

We had no shortage of character building opportunities this past year. I was skiing with a day trader friend of mine on March 11th of this year when the market was bottoming out around 6500 (although we didn’t know that at the time). I asked him if the time was right to jump into some of the depressed stocks. He said, no, no, the market is heading for 4500. We jumped on the lift and I pondered that sage advice from a former Manhattan Wall Street trader turned semi-retired day trader/ski bum as my 401K was sinking like a rock. What could I do after deciding to sit tight except sit tight and ride out the storm?

Things were bad, yet we managed to live through the crisis and except for the 10 million or so people who are still out of work things are turning around. At least that’s what the newscasters are telling us. I dropped off a pair of old tele skis for my dentist to try out. He’s an alpine skier and wants to take up telemark. You know times are bad when a dentist lights up with excitement at the thought of a free pair of used skis! He thanked me. We chatted. He mentioned business was down over 25% this year. I didn't realize so many people consider dental care descretionary spending- below food and housing anyway I suppose.

It seems that big companies that had a lot of money and lost it through greed and stupidity all got obscene loans from us, the taxpayers, to get well, and get well they did. The big Wall Street firms are paying out record bonuses this year on the profits they made with the free money we spotted them. We’re so generous to the people who don’t need money. Our upside down generosity makes my head hurt. Soup kitchens are doing a land office business. Homeless shelters are so over crowded, people stand in line all day so they can get a bed at night. That doesn’t leave much time to look for work.

An unemployed ski buddy of mine used to sell high end wines around New England.  She lost her job. Pricy wine sales tanked fast this year. Even Wine Spectator ran a few issues on "Great Wines under $20". They still don't get it. People won't spend five bucks on wine if they're out of work. I gave up buying expensive wines when I retired. Pabst Blue Ribbon works for me. My ski bud says shes retooling herself- going back to school and getting a green job. I hope for her sake some of the green gets in her wallet.

The climate change crisis is still with us and the experts say things are getting worse even though the global temperature continues to slip downward. The term Global Warming is slipping out of vogue because the data indicates a downward trend may be real. Sometimes I wonder if the inertia of our convictions makes us disbelieve the data. If the earth continues to cool down are we going to take responsibility for that too? I’ve always thought a colder earth would be a lot more trouble than a warmer earth. A good example is the limits of our recorded history, which seem to begin at the end of the last ice age. Everything that preceded the meltdown (that would be 3-4 million years of human development) is either lost in the glacier rubble or people were too cold to record anything. As a skier I cherish a good nor’easter, but as a New Englander, free heat seems like a better deal than free cold.

On health reform, what can I possibly say that hasn’t already been spun by both sides of the issue? I’m glad it’s over, or almost over, or maybe getting ready to be almost over. We may get some reforms, yet the beneficiaries of these reforms appear to be the insurance companies, not the people. A good indicator of this is the record high stock prices of the health insurance companies the day the Senate voted to pass their version of the bill. Clearly, the stock would’ve dropped if the people were expected to be the beneficiary.

Oh, and finally war, war and more war. I didn’t vote for that. I wish this were all a bad dream. Did John McCain really win the election? What a nightmare. This really makes my head hurt. And as if Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan aren’t enough places to go kill people- brace yourself for Yemen and who knows where in 2010. Onward Christian soldiers, keep the homeland secure. Boy, it didn’t prevent Ft Hood nor the Detroit bound Northwest Airliner.

I'm no expert on human behavior, but we seem to be nurturing more enemies than friends. And by making everyone be strip searched before they can go visit Gramma they've won anyway. We seem to forget that Nazi Germany was a very secure country. Another upside down logic at work- destroy all our personal freedoms so we can be secure and reminisce about the good old days when the Constitution meant something.

Skiing is the one thing that seems to be going well, so I’ll focus on that and enjoy myself for a few months. Maybe by spring the world will look a little brighter and people will be finding jobs.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Yumpen Yemeni- Here We Go Again

In rapid fire succession the government has aided and assisted the bombing of suspected al Qaeda terrorist strongholds in Yemen, and of course made a big deal of linkage both to the Ft Hood shootings by a mentally ill Army major and the airline fiasco in Detroit- I suppose to bring a measure of credibility to the actions. It doesn’t bother me that we are diligent about seeking out people who might do harm to us, we should do that, but to confront our adversaries via a process of assassination does bother me.

What ever happened to the top secret rendition we’ve been doing for the last eight years? Why can’t we round these people up and put them on trial? I have a guess as to why. They haven’t really done anything yet. It would be like arresting someone for speeding because they hung around with people who have speeded. So instead we kill them. That bothers me.

Also, there have been reports out of Yemen of many civilian casualties associated with these attacks, but not one word about civilian losses has come from our press or our government. If they’ve been able to conduct surgical raids against suspected terrorists and not injure any innocent people in the process, I would think that would be newsworthy. Americans would feel relieved if they knew we are capable of killing people we think are bad and not kill a single innocent person in the process. However, I don’t think that happens. We kill innocent people every time we bomb suspected terrorist facilities. We justify their sacrifice as collateral damage in the cause of a greater good.

We should at least have the decency to report on the innocent people we kill and show some formal contrition toward their loss, but we don’t seem to do that either. We don’t even mention the fact that they were killed by us. They aren’t even called collateral damage anymore. They’re just ignored as if they never existed.

Maybe we should start measuring the effectiveness of our fighting forces with an effectiveness ratio of bad guys killed divided by innocent people killed. Maybe if we kept an eye on the innocent lives being lost we’d be a little more careful about what we do. Maybe the public that funds these surgical assassinations would want a say in what we do as a government. You know, the democracy thing.

If we’re going to kill people for speeding before they speed we should at least keep score of who and how many people are killed- the women, the children, the elders and the suspected terrorists.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Pursuit of True Justice Above All Else

The notion of different moral values competing with each other is as old as Plato, maybe older. Our pursuit of the greater good between conflicting values and differentiating how they rank from one to the other is at the heart of our social existence. I’ve been thinking about this as we move to escalate the war in Afghanistan. The moral value of homeland security seems to be the President’s rationale. He believes this value is worth killing and dieing for. Yet I have a hard time placing security in my moral spectrum. Just where does it lie? Security seems to be trumping freedom, liberty, peace and justice, yet it’s pretty far down my moral ladder. Is security all that important?

If a person attempts to invade my home and I have a gun and I kill them, am I on morally high ground for my actions? Maybe. But what if he turned out to be a Jehovah’s Witness or the UPS guy? Then I’d be prosecuted. In Afghanistan how do we know all these people we kill are intent on doing us harm? Did we ask them? Did they say they are? If they turn out to be largely farmers, ignorant of the US and illiterate as well, and they’re killed indiscriminately, is this still the moral high ground? I don’t think so.

After 9/11 we imposed unprecedented security and sought revenge in the name of justice. We pursued justice in Afghanistan. But justice has two faces, one that seeks fair treatment and another that merely seeks revenge for a morally wrong act. We seem to be overly inclined to revenge- making sure people get the punishment they deserve for their crimes and transgressions, including death if we’re so motivated.

If we intend to fight the good fight for a better world and a better society, seeking true justice has to be at the top of the moral ladder. Not vengeful justice, but securing the just treatment of people by governments and authorities. That’s the good fight. That’s more important than what type of economic system we live within- Communist, Socialist, or Capitalist. That’s more important than what kind of governance we live within- Democracy, Republic, Dictator, King or anarchy. For they all can be morally bad or morally good in how they treat the people.

So as the year comes to an end and we enter the ninth year of a war half way around the world, let’s keep our eye on the ball of justice first and foremost. Let’s not get so hung up about government structures and economic systems. Let’s make the pursuit of true justice the highest moral ground; the ideal worth fighting for, and maybe everything else will follow.

If we’re ever going to win the hearts and minds of the Afghanis we need to help them build roads and homes, get more tractors, build schools, factories and hospitals… things they need and would appreciate. That’s how we can make America more secure- not by killing them and making them hate us so much they are willing to die for their cause.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Weight Challenged Person is About to Sing

Please forgive me while I vent my frustration with the apparent end state of the senate version of the health care bill. There isn’t much, if anything, about the bill that makes me want to jump up and do a happy dance. If I were a senator I would probably have to hold my nose and vote for the bill even though it looks like a meatless chicken- all bones. Or maybe I would become an Independent and threaten to filibuster unless I got the public option and a few other meaningful reforms.

Disappointed progressives like Bernie Sanders and Jay Rockefeller have agreed to hold their noses and vote for it so how can I possibly be more pious than them? Liberals are searching their weegie boards looking for a rationale to defend the sorry state of the bill after being the target of multiple hijackings, or maybe I should I say extortions.

The Republicans all hate it and many liberal Democrats do to. So we really have a minority of senators who are feeling good about what came out of so many months of negotiations and debate. One view says we now have a toehold on medical reform, traction so to speak, to amend and improve the bill in the future. When I get gum stuck on the bottom of my shoe I have traction too, but picking at it doesn’t make it better, it makes it worse.

We talk a lot about infrastructure improvements and modernization, and building on a framework of basic agreements, much like the wishy-washy language countries agreed to in Copenhagen this weekend to fight climate change.

The climate accord and the health care bill suffer from the same problem- they’re politically expedient agreements to allow the Administration to claim some measure of progress and success to an agenda that screams out for real changes, while in reality they don’t change anything. The health insurance industry is the big winner with 30 million new customers to sell profitable insurance to. The climate accord saves face for the President, but China and India flexed their muscles and kept quantitative verifiable agreements off the table.

Good foundations are critical to everything and anything that expects to carry a heavy load, last a long time and support additions and changes in the future. One might say the US Constitution has faired well in that regard. However, neither the accord that came out of Copenhagen nor the health reform bill have any hope of providing any such foundation from which great outcomes can be expected in the future. If anything, they will both be high value fodder for the Republicans in the 2010 elections and beyond.

I close with a quote from Will Rogers, “I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat”. How right he was!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Joe Lieberman Jabs Again

I’m sitting in my Audi dealer lobby waiting for my car to be inspected. You do these things when you’re retired- wait for your car- because there’s no demand on your time. It’s a benefit and a curse. Waiting isn’t fun, but to make up for it I can make an appointment at 2 pm and turn the whole experience into a lazy hour or so on the computer.

I haven’t been motivated to post a blog for several days, partly because I’ve been skiing my brains out up at Cannon Mt, and partly because the health care reform discussion du jour changes about as fast as a tryst affair on “As the World Turns”.

The only news today is the continuing saga of the failing mental faculties of poor Senator Joe Lieberman. Joe suggested extending Medicare illegibility to 55 with a self-funded buy-in back in September. Now that the Democrats have taken him up on the idea, he’s indicated that although he hasn’t read this version and doesn’t know the details (I’m not making this up!) he said the proposed Medicare extension is not what he proposed, and he said he would vote against the health care bill if this Medicare extension is included. So there you have it… He doesn’t know what the details are, but he’s inclined to vote against it even though he proposed the same deal a mere three months ago.

There’s just no end to the obstructionist activities Senator Lieberman will stoop to. The Republicans couldn’t be happier. The bill will now get another lobotomy before 60 votes can be assured. I was really hoping Senator Snowe would jump onboard, but that appears unlikely.

So I’ll keep skiing, finish Christmas shopping, and post new blogs if something interesting happens… maybe

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Sausage is Almost Done

Senator Nelson seems to have lost sight of the fact that the Supreme Court ruled restrictions on abortions are unconstitutional. They have never ruled on bans of abortions by the Federal Government and the amendment to the health bill that he supported was thankfully voted down. The scary thing though, with the 5-4 conservative majority in the Supreme Court, they would in all likelihood find no conflict between government restrictions on abortion and the status quo upholding the Roe v Wade decision. The Supreme Court has a knack for looking at spaghetti, and when someone drills a hole lengthwise in the middle of it, they’re very comfortable calling it macaroni.

Senator Reid’s health care bill has been massaged and tweaked to a point where a 60-vote majority may now potentially exist. The details are hard to come by. He cited broad agreement, yet except for a few tidbits we, nor the other Senators have much insight to the latest negotiations amoung the ten Democrats, five liberals and five centrists who've been working the details. Here's what I've read or heard. I'm sure it will change again before the bill is actually voted on.

On the plus side, people age 55-64 may now be able to buy into Medicare. This will help a lot people who are having trouble getting insurance at that age with pre-existing conditions- many of whom are early retirees, or laid off workers. I would love to see Congress keep lowering the age every year until it gets to zero. Then we’d have what America needs- universal health care for all, and not profit motivated.

People will have choices of private plans from an exchange pool, if they can’t get insurance through their employer. private non-profit plans, administered by the government will be available.

People will no longer be denied coverage with pre-existing conditions, although the cost may still be prohibitive. There is a cap on the cost, but it may still be out of reach for many people.

People will no longer be dropped from their insurance when they become sick

Lifetime and annual caps on benefit payouts will be lifted.

On the negative side, the public option is dead.
The government will mandate that everyone carry insurance, even without the public option, thus guaranteeing new business for private insurers with no incentive or competition to lower prices.

A trigger will be included that may invoke a public option if the private insurers fail to meet cost and availability targets. You can be sure these targets will be a slam dunk- the insurance industry would never leave itself vulnerable to a defacto public option triggered by their failure to meet targets. And states can elect to opt out.

That’s about it. The House and Senate still have to merge a single bill, assuming this Senate version actually gets approved.

Here’s an article on the subject: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/10/health/policy/10health.html?hp

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

EPA Endangerment Finding Caught Republicans Off Guard

The EPA acted with the full authority previously granted by Congress and defined a set of green house gases to be endangering the public health of Americans. By classifying CO2 as endangering the public health the EPA can assert it’s authority to regulate and control carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, factories, and automobiles.

This government action is a huge proactive step to curb green houses and completely bypasses the foot dragging delays and stalling tactics going on in the Senate against the cap and trade bill. By acting to declare carbon emissions as endangering public health, the government now has the ability to invoke strict regulations and controls independent of any cap and trade legislation. In fact, cap and trade will now instantly become a bill that industries will likely support because that gives polluters an opportunity to buy pollution rights if they want to avoid the more expensive implementation of emissions controls.

President Obama has performed the perfect end-run against the Republicans who were hunkering down for a long cold winter of opposition to the cap and trade bill. This is a landmark move, on a par with the government’s declaration that smoking will kill you back in 1964. Conservatives will be calling for the President to be impeached over this move. I love it!

The coal powered electric industry says the cost of electricity will double. The manufacturing lobby says America will lose jobs to overseas production- duh, like that hasn’t happened yet? Manufacturing has always gone where the cheapest labor is. Allowing pollution to continue in the states will not keep jobs here- they’re already gone.

In another interesting news piece, the World Meteorological Organization announced the last ten years to be the warmest decade recorded in the last 150 years. While there has been a slight downward trend in the past few years the overall temperature of the earth remains at a record high level. The best chart of land and ocean temperature is computed and published by our National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). I’ve included the most recent publication below. The blue line is a five year average. There have been a lot of arguments against global warming because this chart shows a downturn in the last few years. It will take several decades of continuous decreasing temperature to cool the earth sufficiently to stem the effects of glacier melting.

Whether we’re still getting warmer can be debated, but what can’t be debated is the temperature we’re at today compared to the past. If the earth's temperature stayed about where it is today, the effects would be negligible. The concern for global warming is based on projected warming in the future. The recent trends support the argument against continued global warming and the Climategate controversy (hacked emails from noted authorities posted on the web) also points to that data.

The President has stuck his chin out pretty far on this decision. The fallout over next several months, even years, will be very interesting to watch.

Here are a couple articles on the subject:



Monday, December 7, 2009

The Other Day That Lives in Infamy

Until 9/11, Pearl Harbor was the only attack on our homeland. On December 7, 1941, the attack caused massive deaths, destroyed every ship in port, and signaled the beginning of our entry into World War II. The nation was shocked by the attack, which took place on a quiet Sunday morning. Unlike Al Qaeda, Japan focused their air attacks on US military targets. We suffered devastating losses, and President Roosevelt addressed Congress and asked for a declaration of war. Up to this time Congress had been opposed to declaring war on Germany, but we were justified in declaring war against Germany as well because they had an alliance with Japan. We were so fearful of the Japanese we proceeded to round up all Japanese Americans and intern them in the desert for the duration of the war.

Looking back, the events that preceded the war had many similarities to our predicament today. The stock market crashed in 1929. Roosevelt was elected in 1932 on a campaign of change- The New Deal. Unemployment was peaking about that time. By1934 the nation was mired down in a horrendous depression and Republicans took many Congressional seats away from the Democrats. The recovery programs undertaken by Roosevelt just couldn’t work fast enough to make people feel that economic recovery was happening. Republicans saw his first two years in office as a failure to pull America out of the depression, and they accused him of dragging America down the slippery road to ruin with a Socialist agenda. A downtrodden, unemployed America, responded by voting against his party two years after his landslide victory.

By 1936 the stimulus programs were beginning to run out. Roosevelt won re-election, but it wasn’t the landslide of ‘32, and increased Republican strength in Congress hampered his ability to enact new programs. America slipped backwards into a recession in 1937. The economy was struggling. Then Germany invaded Poland in September 1939. President Roosevelt began a massive build up of military equipment in anticipation of possible war. The military build up was a second stimulus, with all the effort being applied to employ as many people as possible. Unlike the civilian stimulus programs like the WPA and CCC, the military build up was highly bi-partisan and received the full support of Congress. Congress remained against the war even in the face of relentless blitz-kreg air bombing of England, but our entry into the war was only a matter of time.

It took a massive attack on our homeland to turn Congress in favor of declaring war. The war is credited with pulling us out of the depression. Government spending at unprecedented levels got everyone back to work and then some. The productivity of the American workers still defies believability even today. In 1943 America produced 120,000 aircraft. In one year! Today our production goals for new aircraft are in the range of one aircraft per day, or 365 aircraft a year. The greatest generation did the impossible, and they did it over and over. It was our finest hour. In less than four years we defeated two major adversaries simultaneously on two oceans and two continents.

Germany and Japan surrendered unconditionally. They stopped fighting. We never had to worry about guerrilla warfare or IEDs in Tokyo after the war. When the war ended, everyone was at peace. The enemy accepted defeat and conducted themselves with humility and compliance to our demands.

The enemy we’re fighting today in Afghanistan has no military equipment to speak of. They don’t have aircraft, tanks, ships, or submarines. They have guns, rocket propelled grenades, shoulder launched missiles, and improvised explosive devices. We have the best military equipment ever made. We have worldwide instant communications, instant satellite visual coverage of the battle space, instant location of every soldier on the battlefield, the most modern Army, Marines, and Air Force in the world. We out number Al Qaeda by over a hundred to one. Yet if we ever defeat Al Qaeda, the outcome won’t be the same. Al Qaeda will never surrender despite our overwhelming force. We continue to search out this adversary nine years after hostilities commenced.

The troops deserve our greatest respect for serving their country, but this is not our country’s finest hour. This war feels like Vietnam, despite the President’s claim to the contrary.

Friday, December 4, 2009

When is Intelligence Action War?

The CIA is conducting an unacknowledged war in Pakistan using drones to fire Hellfire missiles into suspected enemy strongholds. There have been many incidents of innocent people being killed by these attacks, including many women and children. The administration says they refuse to discuss the particulars of any intelligence actions, but the CIA’s activity in Pakistan is laughably the world’s worst kept secret. I’m all for keeping intelligence activities secret as long as strict governance of their activities are ensured and they remain legal. After all, our ability to know what our adversaries are doing gives us a tactical and strategic edge. But when our intelligence activities include deliberate acts of war within a country that is supposed to be our friend, the Agency seems to be way overstepping the authority granted to it for intelligence purposes.

Few people seem to realize that the CIA doesn’t fall under the direction of the Department of Defense. In fact, the CIA reports to the Director of National Intelligence who reports to the President. This presents an interesting situation. All the war activities in Afghanistan are under the direction of Secretary Gates, while all the war activities in Pakistan are under the direction of the Leon Penneta, the Director of the CIA. This relationship of having two different organizations executing parallel war efforts places the President smack in the middle as the only decision maker, and arbiter for disputes between the DoD and the CIA, as they conduct their respective wars in adjacent countries that have a very porous boarder.

General Petraus and UN Ambassador Rice have both described the situation along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border as a borderless border- a region occupied by tribal peoples, many of whom are Taliban recruits, moving freely from one country to the other because the border is essentially nonexistent to them.

We forget that Great Britain created this border, along with just about every country in Southwest Asia, after World War 1. Britain was motivated to divide and separate malcontent tribal areas throughout this part of the world to ensure stability and control the people who would resist or attempt to rebel against their imperial rule. Two regions most directly affected by this policy are the Talibans along the border area of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the Kurds in the Turkey, Iran and Iraq region. Resentment of this suppression runs long and deep. Osama bin Ladin referred to it in his message to the world after 9/11 when he called 9/11 an attempt to retaliate for 80 years of imperial rule. We don’t have to agree with him, but that’s what he was motivated by. The Taliban are not being pushed from one country to another. They actually view the region as their own, and move as necessary to avoid attack by the Army on one side and the CIA on the other.

So the bad guys are currently in Pakistan. We don’t have authority or approval to occupy Pakistan with boots on the ground, so we’ve pressured Pakistan to permit us to fight a war from the air, under the direction of the CIA. Pakistan probably didn’t have any say in the matter; else they bite the hand that feeds them- weapons anyway.

But we are not Pakistan. We are the people of the United States and we have a right to know why the government is using the CIA to fight an unacknowledged war in Pakistan. Someday this may lead to boots on the ground, and we’ll be told this is another war of necessity, a good war. Bull. We shouldn’t have to wait until we’re stuck in the mud in Pakistan, beyond a point of no return, to have a say in what we’re doing there and why. Now is the time to get this new war out in the open and in front of the American people.

Here are a couple articles on the subject:



Thursday, December 3, 2009

Global Warming Getting the Best of Me

My beloved Cannon Mountain has delayed the season opening yet a second time due to warm weather. It’s Thursday, December 3, 2009, and it’s 65 degrees today. All that hoopla about global warming may be true. We measure the veracity of claims like that based on the impact to our selves. When the weather affects my skiing that’s hitting pretty close to home.

This is very disappointing because the weather was decided cool this summer. We had a lot of rain- the third wettest June on record and cold too. So the eternal skier optimist that I am, I extrapolated the cool summer weather to mean we’ll be in for a doozy of a winter, with tons of snow, ice dams, power outages, and so many snow days the kids would be going to school all next summer making up for the glacier winter I hoped for.

But alas, Old Man Winter hasn’t shown up yet. I realize that technically it’s still fall, but hey, fall ends at Thanksgiving. After that the ground freezes and turns white in New Hampshire. If we’re lucky, we don’t see the mud again until April. Global Warming may be rearing its ugly head in New Hampshire after all.

To paraphrase Mark Twain, predictions of winter’s demise may be premature, and I’ll be very happy to admit I’m wrong. I’ll remain depressed until then however. Like the weather, everything is going wrong these days. Health care reform is mired down in the debating pit. The Republicans are being more creative than anyone could imagine figuring out ways to block, stall, kill, defeat, mame, or otherwise hobble the bill from moving forward.

Our only squeaky clean, drug free, American sports hero cheated on his wife and ran into a tree, President Obama is beginning to sound like John McCain, and if that isn't depressing enough, John McCain is sounding like a Democrat accusing the Democrats of endangering Medicare for seniors and demanding the cuts in Medicare funding be removed from the health bill. What gives???

I think I’ll do my part to stimulate this sputtering economy and raise a fist against global warming. I’m off to buy four new snow tires; the best money can buy. So there…

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sadly, President Orders Troop Surge

I knew my prediction Monday of an India-Pakistan alliance was a long shot, but that was the only item I got wrong in my prediction of his address to the nation Tuesday. And while he gave a date to “start” withdrawal of the troops, he didn’t give us an “end” date for when they would be gone. This is something he chastised President Bush for in Iraq when he was campaigning for president. Apparently he’s had a change of heart on that point. Maybe it’s the water in the White House?

As the policy stands now, the President is escalating the war with a build up of 30,000 additional troops and possibly even more civilians within the next six months. Sounds like a new “surge”, but he doesn’t call it that- I wonder why??? I just hope he doesn't start singing "bomb bomb bomb Iran”…

President Obama made a point of stating how strongly the House, Senate, and the American people were in their support for the war way back in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks. That was true, but, and this is a big but, if President Bush had said we’re going into Afghanistan to overthrow the government, and then fight the people we kicked out for the next 12-15 years, I’m sure America and Congress would’ve said that dog don't hunt. Nobody would support a 15-year war. Nobody. We’re stupid enough to approve a war incrementally, but not smart enough to avoid the war all together.

I remember President Bush fired his first Secretary of Treasury, Paul O’Neill, for overstating the predicted cost of the war in Iraq (before we invaded Iraq). He said the cost would exceed 200 billion dollars. Secretary Rumsfeld put him down publicly and claimed the war would cost something like 80 billion. As the dust begins to settle the cost is over a trillion dollars, and that doesn’t include the long-term cost of the veterans benefits and the rehabilitation of the wounded soldiers that could exceed another trillion dollars. When all the collateral costs such as replenishment cost of equipment, etc,  are all taken into account the Iraq War will be over three trillion dollars. I would’ve fired O’Neill for being too conservative!

Deficit spending for a war doesn’t seem to be a problem for the otherwise domestic thrifty Republicans. Several Republican senators have already stated that if the President wasn’t opposed to going into debt to bail out banks and GM, why should he be concerned about deficit spending to fight a war- such a just and noble cause? So we seem to have a healthy majority for continuing the war with our big credit card  without concern for the national debt.

This certainly would be different if we had a war tax and a draft. Nobody is fighting against his or her will and nobody seems to care about the cost. We make going to war too easy- like buying a flat screen TV when you’re broke- just throw plastic at it…

I’m very disappointed in the President’s decision and I think I’ll look for another political party to put my support behind. Got any suggestions besides No-publicans? Is there a Green Party or is Ralph Nader my only other option? Maybe I’ll change to Independent. Yeah, that's what I'll do...

Monday, November 30, 2009

My Prediction of Obama’s War Strategy

OK. I’m going to steal the President’s thunder and tell you what good old middle of the road Barack is going to say. Tuesday evening he will address the nation and disclose his War strategy-policy-appeasement, and we’ll be reassured that this is a good war, a war of necessity, and we’ll be safer tomorrow and for generations to come as a result of this much needed offensive. He plans to phase-in another 30,000 troops over the next six months and he’s seeking an additional 6,000 troops from coalition countries.

The focus of the war will be three fold:
1. Continue to Train Afghans to build an effective fighting and policing force and ensure a strong Afghan Government.
2. With the support of other countries assist the Afghans to re-establish a peaceful, civilian infrastructure.
3. Support the defense of the Government held territory and launch an offensive to root out the Taliban strongholds and ensure that the Taliban will not be able to regain control of the country.

The President will ensure us that this is a bipartisan supported strategy- if he can manage to get some Democrats to support him. Not one dime is covered by revenue for the cost of the war. The war is being waged using the Uncle Sam Credit Card- something both parties seem very happy to do. Even though some politicians are calling for a War Tax, he will not bring that subject up. We will fund this war by going further into debt.

The exit strategy will be adaptive (read that to mean results oriented with no timetable), based on metrics that indicate the strength of the Afghan Government forces and the surrender of territory by the Taliban. He will tell us we will not be out of Afghanistan by the end of his first term in office, but we’ll be leaning in that direction. We’ll most likely be in Afghanistan another 6-10 years, but he won’t mention that and he will not give a timetable for withdrawal (something he learned from his predecessor).

He’ll assure India and Pakistan that our actions in Afghanistan will ensure a more stable, terrorist free region, and they will be direct beneficiaries of our actions. Because they are potential adversaries, the President will perform a shotgun wedding and open a dialogue with India and Pakistan to initiate a new alliance to ensure the stability of the region.

That’s about all. Oh, I almost forgot- we started this war to root out Al Qaeda. None of this effort will accomplish that. They’re in Pakistan. We’ll continue to fight a CIA war in Pakistan and he won’t say much about that. He will make vague references to continuing the pursuit of Al Qaeda where ever they are in seeking justice for the terrorist acts on 9/11, and he’ll ask for God to bless America in our endeavors- an American jihad?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday for Shops- Red Friday for Shoppers

All the talk about the next thirty days being do or die for the shops to crawl out of the recession and return seems like another trip to the casino. We, the shoppers will go into the red so the shops can go into the black. What’s so good about that?

We all spend too much money buying gifts for our friends and family- often paying more than they would pay if they actually wanted that particular item- and we artificially pump up the economy by spending our money less wisely against a deadline to check off the list and be done by 12/25. The result is billions of dollars are poured into the economy by the banks, because practically everyone uses credit cards and personal debt skyrockets instead of paying down our credit card bills. We run around like a bunch of drunken sailors spending money we don’t have for the next thirty days. Instead of strengthening our economy we’re increasing our personal debt and sliding back into the bad habits that got into the world’s greatest recession.

Think about what would happen if everyone pledged to spend only the money they have, instead of buying everything on credit cards. We’d spend a lot less, everyone would get something, the thoughtfulness would still be conveyed, and on December 26th no one would be in more debt than they were on Thanksgiving.
People who take the time to find a thoughtful gift that’s within their means have to work a lot harder. It’s easy to impress people with an expensive gift, but much harder if you stay within your means. We have to shop and shop, fight crowds and traffic to hunt down that perfect, yet affordable gift.

We could make more of our gifts. We all talk about doing this, but time and other conflicts seem to get in the way.You might bake, knit, make a craft, paint… Who doesn’t treasure a labor of love, made just for you, by someone who was thinking of you the whole time they made it. I received a beautiful homemade cribbage board and some other very thoughtful homemade gifts over the years. They’re my most treasured gifts.

As we claw our way out of the recession wouldn’t it be comforting to say no to more debt, let the stores stay in the red, and really get ourselves into the black and enjoy the holidays?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

An Old Friend Gave Me Sage Advice

Recently I received an email, one of those mass forwarded –spam from friends- you gotta read this- we all get almost everyday. Bear in mind that he’s retired and on Medicare like everyone over 65. The email included a link to a Youtube video. Senator Rogers of Minnesota was speaking in the Senate against the proposed health care reform bill. Ok. I gave it a listen. I smelled a rat becasue the title of the email said “See this before they remove it” – whoever “they” is- as if a Senate debate could possibly be censored and this was some piece of clandestine video smuggled out of the Senate. Senator Roger’s main point was 85% of Americans have insurance today and they’re happy with it. Only 15% don’t have insurance.

He goes on to say Uncle Sam wants to “punish” the 85% who have it to cover the 15% that don’t. He didn't elaborate what "punish" really meant either, other than "you'll pay more". Also notice how 15% sounds so much less significant than 45 million people. He goes on to say 10 million of those people don’t want insurance, as if that makes everything ok. I’m sure we’d all like to not have insurance on our cars, but we accept that mandate, and have for so long people don’t even equate the two.

The closest the Senator comes to offering an alternate is a broad statement, that we should “let” the insurance industry “innovate”, whatever that means… It’s the American basis for our free enterprise system that we’re founded on, and further more get the government out of our private lives. That always brings tears to the eyes of conservatives.

Well, I couldn’t let this spam mail go unanswered, so I sent a reply to my old friend explaining that I’m a Democrat and very much in favor of health care reform. I pointed out, quite factually, that all Republican Administrations have done nothing to address health reform, because they pretty much like the status quo. I brought up the fact that the Republicans don’t have an alternate plan that addresses the issues. Their plans are cheaper because the uninsured are still left uninsured. I also pointed out that 45,000 uninsured Americans die every year because they don’t receive the attention of doctors and their health deteriorates more than insured people. And finally, since he’s on Medicare, I pointed out that most people on Medicare are very happy with it, so the Government can’t be all that bad.

He replied to my email with a preamble that he doesn’t usually respond to these emails, but this time he couldn’t help himself. He told me nothing I said was true. He said the Republicans have a plan that costs 10% of the Democrat’s plan. And if I don’t believe him I should watch Glenn Beck on Fox News because that’s where he gets his facts and he can be trusted.

I replied one last time saying I don’t think we’re going to change each other’s views, but I hoped we would stay friends. He went back to Fox News and I turned on Rachel Maddow feeling quite depressed about the whole thing.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Origin of the Species- 150 Years Old Today

Charles Darwin went rogue on us 150 years ago today. The book was less controversial then than today. When the book was published, well to-do and educated people were the only readers. The notion of survival of the fittest played right into the egos of the British aristocracy, who already thought they were superior, and the book reaffirmed what they believed to be true. The sun never set on the British Empire. Now that they’re no longer the world’s reigning power I wonder if they still feel the same about the book.

Today everybody hears news and commentary, even if they’re illiterate, but they know what they hear, and they believe what they hear. Few people read. Fewer do research through reading. We depend on the professionals to do that for us. We don’t have the time to get to the bottom of every issue. Somehow they do, or they have a staff that does the research for them, and they hear the bottom line and pass it on to us to hear. Facts tend to get in the way, so the story is usually filtered to reinforce their view. People hear the information from a source they respect, and believe it, or want to believe it, or peer pressure helps them believe it.

Forty-two percent of the people in America think the world is 4000 years old. That’s 126 million people. That’s incredible. I have a hard time believing that fact, if it is a fact. Let’s pretend the statistic is over rated by a factor of four. So maybe only ten percent of the Americans really believe the world is 4000 years old. That’s still 30 million or so people. That’s still incredible.

And we wonder why people believe that government regulation is bad, and gun control is bad, and government run health care is bad, and social security is bad, and Medicare is bad, and sending our troops to die in a foreign land with no defined mission is good.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sustainability- It’s More Than Food

You’re not “in” today unless you profess to eat everything within 50 miles of home. The theory being local farms are greener and healthier.  The only problem with that in the winter in New Hampshire we’re pretty much limited to snow cones. Granted, in the growing season we have a bountiful harvest, but how do we sustain ourselves for the other nine or ten months of the year? It kills me to see our supermarkets selling potatoes from California when Maine is next-door, or anything from afar except oranges, coffee and bananas for that matter.

Some people say freeze your foods, but that’s not being “green”. That freezer has a huge carbon footprint. We could can goods. That makes sense. It takes time though- something we all lack in this multi-tasking, fast paced, GPS everywhere, text-everyone life we’ve built for ourselves. OK. I could do it. I’m retired. Maybe I’ll open a “Can Your Own Goods” shop. I could provide the apparatus and facility; you bring the food and kids and make a day of it. Or better yet, maybe I could get the school to open the kitchen in the summer for the residents to use. I could just be the supervisor. I’ll look into that.

Maybe we should not be so focused on food. Living sustainably is actually much more than food. Few people actually grow and raise food for a living even if they’d like to.  Sustainability should go way beyond food and include any product, service or institution within the local area. Catering to the people in your area develops closer community relationships, supports their business, and enables them to have a viable business without reaching beyond the local area. It keeps their carbon footprint down, while you do the same. You make new friends too.

I buy all my bark mulch, gravel, and such from my neighbor a mile from my house. He waives the delivery charge, I get a deal, and he stays in business. When my septic system needed to be replaced I went to an in-town contractor. Lisbon, NH used to have Chevy Dealer. He went out of business several years ago, but before he did you would’ve been impressed by the local loyalty. I think everyone in town (all 500 of them) drove a Chevy. There just weren’t enough people to keep in him in business, but they had the right idea.

So think about sustainability the next time you get your hair done, need your house painted, do landscaping, need the driveway paved or sealed, need a new roof, need a new well pump, or have your snow plowed- anything really... Go to your local hardware or paint store instead of Home Depot, Walmart or Lowes. They get to know you and they appreciate your business, and you build a more sustainable community.

I knew a lawyer in town that epitomized this ethic. He would barter for most of the local services if he could. He’d trade a new roof for a divorce, or a new transmission for a will, etc… Pretty cool. Unfortunately his brother invented those Ninja Turtles and he had to go be a corporate attorney in some other place. I hope he’s still bartering though.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Remembering JFK

On this day forty-six years ago I was in my Geometry class when the teacher was called out of the room. She returned a minute later with tears in her eyes and told us the President had been shot. I couldn’t believe it. The world sank into a surreal state of shock. We went into several days of national mourning. Nothing happened. No school. No work. Nothing. It was as if the country wasn’t sure what to do next. The funeral capped days of sadness. The horse drawn casket lumbered from the Capital to Arlington Cemetery. We all watched John-John salute his dad.

Even with the Cold War, life was rather light hearted, and people were excited about the direction the President was taking us. He declared a New Frontier. We were going to the moon. He started the Peace Corps, VISTA, and many other programs. Everyone was obligated to figure out what they could do for their country as he had challenged us in his inauguration speech. That day, it all seemed to grind to a halt.

President Kennedy was well liked, but he had enemies too. He wasn’t popular in the south. There were the Limbaughs of the time, the John Birch Society, and many right wing hate groups. They tried to put him down, but they didn’t get much traction. They couldn’t overcome his charisma. Opponents claimed he would put his Catholic religion before the interests of the country, called his father a bootlegger and gangster, accused Jacqueline of being more partial to France and everything French than America, and proclaimed him too soft on Communism. Conservatives claimed sole ownership of patriotism during the Cold War, even more so than today. Any ideaology left of center was viewed as potentially subversive. He was accused of taking us down the road to Socialism- even though he hadn’t passed any landmark legislation- that came after his death.

I remember his television debate with Richard Nixon. Nixon didn’t look good on black and white TV- he looked dour and sinister. TV must have been a window into his soul- an omen of things to come. His makeup was poorly done. He was noticeably uneasy with the new format for campaigning. In contrast, Kennedy looked young, relaxed, and happy to be there. Neither candidate had to say a word. JFK won the debate by his demeanor. I remember it so clearly because I was more conservative than liberal at the time, and my guy blew it.

His inaugural speech rallied America. I remember watching him. I remember watching Robert Frost, a very frail man of 86, struggling to read his poem that he wrote for the occasion on that cold, blustery day in January. His papers wouldn’t lie flat and he couldn’t read the poem, so he recited another poem from memory instead. I felt sorry for him. He was too old to be out in that weather. I don’t think an army could’ve kept him away though. He died two years later.

Later, I had an opportunity to participate in an oratory contest at school. I recited President Kennedy’s inaugural address. A local nun was one of the judges. I remember looking at her while I recited the address; she had tears in her eyes and was beaming at me at the same time. I knew I had her vote.

We had barely recovered from the Cuban Missile Crisis the year before. Racism was still running full tilt in the south, with lynchings, murders of civil rights workers, segregation, and all the Jim Crowe laws that denied African Americans their rights and freedoms. Jack Kennedy wasn’t powerful enough to tackle those issues. After all, he was a junior Senator when he ran for President (sound familiar?), and had little political capital to work with. His tragic death did create a tidal wave of good will that enabled civil rights and Medicare legislation. Lyndon Johnson spent all of his political capital pushing those landmark bills through Congress. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy would’ve been very happy.

Rest in peace Mr. President.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Remembering People For What They Did, Not What They Became

We all age. Some more than others. Some less. Some get a surgical makeover. That works until the paint starts to peel and blister. Some people don’t know when to stop even with the makeovers- like Joan Rivers, yet she went so far over the top she’s been able to exploit it as an asset. Aging can be graceful or not. I enjoy the quiet wisdom of an elderly person who’s lived a long and interesting life. A life of hard work or intellectual work- they all have a quiet wisdom and so much to offer.

Aging can also lack grace. Life may have dealt them a tough hand, or they may have set their own bar too high and acted too harshly as their own referee and judge. Some people grow sour with their disappointments; some grow sour with their successes. Aging asks us to be forgiving of the past. Some do. Some don’t.

Few subjects are more written about than reflections on life. I won’t even attempt to add to it. . People write about their successes and failures. We can learn from both if we choose to. We prefer successful people. We want to emulate their path, their choices, and their judgment. Who would want to emulate a failure? Yet both can offer good advice. We need both, like yin and yang, to understand them fully.

People who do remarkable things and leave at the top their game are immortalized forever. A few are fortunate to leave of their own choosing. That list is short- George Washington, Bobby Orr, Mohammed Ali… Most leave not of their choosing, and they’re immortalized because they’re at or near the peak of their achievements. This list is long and sad- Jesus, JFK, Elvis, Martin Luther King, Buddy Holly, Abe Lincoln to name a few.

In either case, our image of their achievements is locked in time, undiminished and unblemished in the absence of failures that never occur later in life. We remember them only for what they were, not what they would’ve become. That’s what makes them so memorable.

Gail Collins pointed out in her OpEd today how many contemporary people would be held in higher esteem if they bowed out when their image was at a peak. She pointed out Joe Lieberman, Rudy Giuliani, and Ralph Nader, among others. Joe would’ve been revered if he walked away from politics after running for VP, instead of the incoherent egocentric limelighter he’s become. If Rudy retired from politics after being Mayor of New York, he’d be remembered as the greatest mayor who ever lived in the worst of times, instead of the worst presidential candidate of modern times. Ralph Nader, the consumer’s crusader, spoiled Al Gore’s bid for President and eversince seems destined to fall into the same bucket as Lyndon Larouche and other fringe politicians, rather than being remembered for all the good things he did. George Bush should have retired after being Governor of Texas, or earlier, after graduating from Yale.

Maybe it happens because few people can sense when they’re at the top of their game. Like rushing to buy overpriced stock when the price is still rising, there’s a wishful expectation that the ceiling is yet to be found, and in the end we remember them for what they became, not for what they were at that fleeting moment when they were at the top of their game.

Friday, November 20, 2009

States May Get Public Option Option

Senator Harry Reid apparently has slipped the state’s right to opt out of the public option into the Senate version of the Health Bill, making the Senate bill Harry’s Homemade Health Bill. This would be a tragic concession to make to buy votes.

Maine’s Senators Collins and Snowe may be swayed with this wrinkle. Given Senator Lieberman’s certain opposition, this gives the Democrats a possible one vote margin. I still don’t like those odds, and Mr. Reid still needs to sweeten the bill with local pork to pull in Senator Landrieu of Louisiana, as well as to two other Democratic holdouts, Senators Lincoln of Arkansas and Nelson of Nebraska.

Allowing states to opt out of the public option would be a disaster for the nearly poor. The very poor will still get Medicaid. But people in the income range above the poverty line, up to about $50,000 per year will be the big losers. These people are too rich for Medicaid and too poor for private health insurance. Not having access to affordable options will ensure they remain uninsured.

The states that have the poorest health care record- and the most uninsured – are likely to be the first states to jump on the opportunity to preserve the status quo. In case you’re wondering who these state are, they’re all the southeastern states. This shouldn’t surprise anyone. The southern states have no limits on how far they will go to suppress the underclass. Remember slavery was a State’s Right, held in such high regard by the south they declared independence and died to defend it.

The public option also threatens the very life of insurance companies. Any opportunity to kill it in any state will be to their benefit. Having the option to opt out will be a battle cry for the insurance industry. They’ll pad the pockets of state legislators to get the option out. Insurance companies know they can’t compete with the government. They enjoy a near monopoly in most southern states and will work to preserve the status quo wherever they can.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sarah Palin Going Rogue: Ready, Fire, Aim

One of the sins of being retired is the opportunity to watch daytime TV. So I must confess I watched Oprah for the first time in my life yesterday. I never watch her show, but she got me yesterday with the Sarah Palin interview. I hope Sarah Palin gets enough money from her book deal to break even from her presidential campaign. She seemed to be exploited by the McCain camp and she deserves to get some money to offset her wardrobe debt. Hell will surely freeze over before I would ever vote for. Her stand on every issue is opposite to mine, but I really wanted to hear her one more time and try to understand what makes her so popular. I sort of enjoyed listening to her. She reminded me of Gracie Allen, except Gracie was sharp and only pretended to be incoherent. Gracie said, “I was so surprised at being born that I didn't speak for a year and a half." Or when asked how to speak French, "You speak it the same way you speak English, you just use different words."  Kinda reminds you of Sarah, doesn't it?

Every once in while Sarah Palin would say something that could be extrapolated to mean something. Her explanation of her response to Katie Curic’s question of what books and magazines she read had a ring of truth. She was upset that a question as demeaning as that would be asked of her, as if she were a country bumpkin, as if magazines and newspapers didn’t exist up in Alaska- she said she refused to answer because she was insulted by the intent of the question. Katie wouldn't ask Hillary that  question. OK. I may give her that one, but I’ll bet “People” was rolling through her mind over an over. If she had been quick on her feet she could’ve said, “I watch your news program every night… I couldn’t be more informed than that now could I, wink – wink …”

I was also taken by her impulsive nature. You never quite know how she will say what you know she will say. Her underlining philosophy is rock solid conservative. Yet the logic behind her explanation of issues is left as an exercise to the listener. If she had been around for the 2000 presidential election what a hoot it would’ve been to have her as GW's running mate. Between the two of them, they would make a complete sentence.

I’m convinced she will reap some cash on her book deal and then head back to Wasilla and hunt moose or be a hockey mom for the rest of her life. She is popular though, and that’s a scary thing to behold. But then, so is NASCAR racing, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Reality TV. If a majority of people ever elect her President they’ll get what they deserve, and I’ll relocate to Canada. Although after hearing her one more time I’m reassured that neither will happen. America isn’t this dense- not even the NASCAR fans.

Oh, one last comment, at least she got her book title right. Here are the definitions of “rogue”:
1. a dishonest, knavish person; scoundrel.
2. a playfully mischievous person; scamp: The youngest boys are little rogues
3. a tramp or vagabond.
4. a rogue elephant or other animal of similar disposition.
5. Biology. a usually inferior organism, esp. a plant, varying markedly from the normal.

Trial of 9/11 Conspirators in Civil Court, in New York City?

The Republicans are up in arms over the decision to try the terrorists in civil court. They want all the 9/11 perpetrators tried in military court. Many Republicans like Dick Cheney seem to prefer no trial at all- just let them rot in prison. The perpetrators include a high-ranking Al Qaeda member, 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The Republicans (and Joe Liberman) insist the terrorists should be given a military tribunal, not a namby-pamby civil court trial. Republicans claim they committed acts of war by launching an unprecedented multipoint attack on our homeland. But is this really an act of war or just a well-coordinated criminal action?

We apprehended them on the battlefield in Afghanistan, on a battlefield we created. So why not treat them as warriors and give them over to the military tribunal? Is fairness an issue? Do we get extra pleasure if their trial is a Military Tribunal? Will they be given a fair trial in either forum? If we tried them in military court they would be recognized as warriors, not the miserable criminals they are, and given extra credibility for their actions in the eyes of the world that may be sympathetic to their motivations. They claim retribution for eighty years of colonial rule and loss of sovereignty. They have a lot of supporters around the world.

The Republicans also keep reminding us a civil trial is a risky proposition. After all, the defendant has to be presumed innocent until found guilty, and guilt must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Yet we know they’re guilty. We have evidence that traces them to the inner circles of Al Qaeda and some of them may have even admitted to their actions. If we know they’re guilty why do we bother to take them to trial? Does the process serve as a measure of closure to the families of the victims? Would the families of the victims prefer a Military Tribunal? A few have been very vocal in their demands for a Military Tribunal. I wonder if anyone has asked them. If they prefer a Military Tribunal would the Administration honor their request?

Some opponents of the President’s decision say the terrorists will make a mockery of our judicial system; the antics of each defendant will dishonor the court and turn a sacred institution into a circus. And there’s an outside chance that defense attorneys could win a dismissal for all sorts of technicalities that have strong precedents, like not reading the criminals their Miranda Rights. Or better yet for being tortured for information, denied access to prosecutors classified evidence, and not given a speedy trial; having been denied Habeas-Corpus that was reinforced by a Supreme Court ruling on this very subject in June 2008. Seven years of imprisonment without a trial can hardly be considered compliance with due process.

Other dilemmas to consider are the venue itself and the jury. People charged with heinous crimes usually get a opportunity for a change of venue, to a location where the public may be more objective, and a jury may be comprised of people from that community who are sworn to uphold a pledge objectivity. So why have the trial in New York, just a few blocks from the scene of the crime? Why not move the venue to another state? Obviously, there is no place to go. The world knows this crime and objectivity will be no better in Fargo North Dakota than NYC. Aside from that, a jury of their peers may be hard, if not impossible to find. Would that mean they should be Muslims? Arabs? Men? An interesting dilemma indeed…

If that’s not enough, the Republicans also seem to feel that classified intelligence methods and information will be at risk of disclosure to our enemies at large, leaving us at increased risk and vulnerable to other terrorist actions. There’s also the risk that some wackos or comrades-in-arms will martyr themselves and endanger the lives of more people in New York City during the trial.

Given all of these questions, why is the administration willing to run the gamut of all these obstacles to seek justice for people who distain our country and everything it stands for? There’s only one answer- because this is America and this is how we function. To admit that our system of justice is not robust enough to handle these criminals, as the Republicans seem to imply, would be an admission that our judicial system has failed us. We have a system of justice and we’re compelled to use it no matter how repugnant the criminals may be. History may well view this event as one of the greatest tests of our judicial system.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

China Visit a Declaration of Misguided Priorities

The President is making a humble visit to the Bank of China this week. China holds 800 billion dollars of US Debt. Given that economic leverage it’s hard for the President to scold the Chinese Government for an unending string of human rights violations, but he picked a moment to scratch it off his to-do list, albeit with the full knowledge and blessing of the Chinese Government.

He held a “town style” meeting in Shanghai to a very small crowd of students. The forum was not covered by the Chinese press or media- no one in China knew that he held the forum, nor did they hear him say, quite gracefully if not pathetically, that great countries are sensitive to the human rights of people- note the third person tone- and great countries thrive when their people have freedom of expression- again in the third person.

It’s almost as if he was having a beer with the leaders of China, and he said something offhanded like, “I’m obligated to say something about human rights, you know the freedom thing, can you help me out here?” And the leaders said, “Sure, no problem.” “Can I do it to an audience of young students?” “Sure, no problem” So off he goes to an oversized closet with a couple dozen well chosen “students” to hold an old fashioned town hall type forum. The western press is all over this like some crusade of freedom and the Chinese Government completely censored the event from the billion or so people that really needed to hear it.

It’s unfortunate; no it’s criminal, that we always place a higher priority on money than principles. What a great country we would really be if the President scolded China in a large public forum before millions of Chinese people, and said, “Keep your money, we don’t need it as much as you need your freedom”, and acted as a real catalyst toward progress in the human rights struggle in China. That would be something to earn the Nobel Peace Prize, not ensuring that the Bank of China will always be open for business on the backs of a billion people who don’t have a clue what’s happening to them.

Here's an article on the subject: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/18/world/asia/18china.html?partner=rss&emc=rss

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Apple Wins Copyright Case Against Clone Company- Psystar

Apple wins again in its never ending struggle to remain the smallest computer company in the world. Psystar was buying the Mac operating system from Apple, installing it in their clones and selling them. Critics called them Hackintoshes. Yet this is exactly what all Windows systems products do. Dell buys the Windows operating system, installs it in their PCs and sells it to you. Long ago Apple decided that no other company would have the opportunity to sell their product- sort of a backwards logic that wealth will somehow be diluted if more companies are sharing the market. The ruling is most interesting because history has already proven them wrong, way wrong, and yet they continue the dream, like an investment in personal ego that remains blind to reality.

The ruling allows Apple to continue to sell it’s superior operating system exclusively within it’s own computer and the public gets overcharged for the product. Sort of a minopoly- if you want it, pay for it approach to business. The consumer gets the short end of the stick and Apple ensures its teeny-weeny share of the market.

It’s too bad really. Mac has a better operating system than Microsoft ever had. Yet they took a philosophical direction long ago pursuing a closed architecture, rather than open architecture, and well, the rest is history. Today Mac owns a whopping 5% of the computer business, although you wouldn’t know that by all the commercials they run on TV. Dell is the largest seller of computers in the world, quite possibly more than 10 times the sales volume of Apple, yet they don’t even advertise. They do it by selling a comparable product at half to one third the price of Apple. It reminds me of the old gamblers saying, the winner likes to chitchat and the loser screams deal!

For the less informed, or less interested PC buffs, Apple was the first company to introduce the mouse into a computer at a time when the world was struggling with IBM PCs running the Microsoft DOS operating system. The IBM had all the capabilities of a typewriter, nothing more, when Apple was introduced and provided most of the capabilities we take for granted today. If Apple had taken an open systems approach when it first introduced the Macintosh (or even the Apple) while Microsoft was still trying to figure out how to connect a mouse to their early PCs, today Steve Jobs would be the richest man in the world and Bill Gates would just be an unknown Harvard dropout.

By insisting on a closed architecture, Apple will continue to lose market share and will eventually become extinct like celibate Shakers. They too made a good product, but their business plan was severely flawed from the start!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pro-War Advocates Discrediting the Messenger?

The friction between Gen Ekinberry, (Ret.) and Gen McChrystal is not new, and the difference of opinion on how to proceed in Afghanistan is adding new drama to the dialogue. It’s clear that Ekinberry also differs with his boss, Hillary Clinton, who supports an increase of 30,000 troops. Now reports are being circulated that Gen Ekinberry is heavy handed with his people. We’re talking generals here, wasn’t that a good quality back in the days of Patton and MacArthur? Is someone trying to discredit the messenger? Probably…

If anything, this seems like typical Washington politics going about the business of discrediting a worthy opponent of the war. Clearly on the side of ramping up the fight we have: Adm. Mullin- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Hillary Clinton- Secretary of State, Robert Gates- Secretary of Defense, and Gen McChrystal- Top General in Afghanistan. And on the side of wait a minute, this doesn’t smell good: President Obama, Eric Holder- AG, Gen Ekinberry- Ambassador to Afghanistan, Joe Biden- VP, and Rahm Emmanuel- Chief of Staff. Ekinberry is held in high regard by the President and he just may be using the Ambassador in this sometimes secret, sometimes public dialogue to further his position and win the public over.

I can’t help but wonder if both sides have an applause meter running in the background for each leak and counterpoint. The latest leak of Ekinberry’s cables to the Washington Post and the New York Times came from administration officials. The game is slowly turning away from escalation, but will it turn toward a draw down? Not likely in the near term, but six months from now we’ll be talking exit plan.

I’m sure the President regrets his hasty decision earlier in the year to increase troop levels in Afghanistan. He made a strategic error ratcheting up the war before he got his footing on the situation. The public is growing uneasy about the American losses. If he abandoned Afghanistan tomorrow, next year it will be history. If he makes the war bigger, bloodier, and longer, the Democrats will be skewered in the 2010 elections. Opponents will accuse him of fighting a war instead of unemployment, but they’ll find fault with anything he does, so why not just leave and get this mess behind us?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Oops, RNC's Cigna Health Insurance Covers Abortions

It appears that the Republican National Committee is hastily conducting a revision of their medical coverage. I normally try to avoid writing about stupid things, but the Republican Party just keeps on giving.  A reporter called the RNC Wednesday and asked if their health insurance covered abortions. Yep, they do. RNC Chairman Michael Steele is now running around like Chicken Little trying to fix the embarrassment. It seems that the RNC has had abortion coverage since 1991, and gee, nobody knew about it, or least anybody that would not use it didn't know about it. How could this possibly happen in the party that forces you to sign an "I shall not get an abortion" oath to be a party leader? He’s calling for an executive committee review of the insurance policy immediately. Here’s the story from ABC News:


The Stupak Amendment to the House Health Bill bans all abortions in the exchange pool policies, and was voted for unanimously by all the Republicans in the House. Oh the disgrace, now the RNC has to scrub the coverage from their own health insurance policy. Michael Steele will sweep this elephant (no pun intended) under the rug in no time. I guess as long as he eliminates it from their policy quickly, in the first trimester of a three day old story, it mitigates the shame of having the coverage for 18 years.

Speed is really important, someone might get pregnant any day and want to use it, although it would appear she would be shunned and have to change parties now. Opps, that won’t work either, pregnancy is a pre-existing condition… I wonder if their policy covers lobotomies? Call’em and ask.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Afghan Ambassador Says Don’t Send More Troops!

Who is this guy and why should we listen to him? For starters this is not your typical well-healed political campaign donation payback appointment. Lt. Gen Karl Ekinberry, (Ret.) served two tours of duty in Afghanistan: 2002-2003 and 2005-2007 as the top military commander in Afghanistan. He has all the credentials to be a commentator seated on the right side of Karl Rove on Fox News. He was appointed Ambassador in January. Having been intimately engaged in both military and political circles in Afghanistan, he just may be the most qualified person in the world to offer advice to the President.

Why has he been so quiet until now? His chain-of-command upbringing was no doubt getting in the way. He sent a classified message (through chain of command) to the President expressing his concern for sending more troops, and it mysteriously got leaked to the press… wink-wink… So the President may have outed an ally in the how-do-I-get-out-of-Afghanistan dilemma. Ekinberry’s caution against sending more troops may be based on his dealings with the Afghan Government since he became our Ambassador. He said the Afghan Government is corrupt (ambassador’s never use that language), and unable – and possibly unwilling- to lift their weight in support of our troops, in effect putting our troops in unknown peril with no clear plan for success.

President Obama is taking this new input very seriously. He now wants to see more details on exactly how we get to the end-state where we can withdraw and have the mission accomplished, although it’s unclear to me what that means (maybe for him too).

President Obama is a very intelligent man, and yet this intelligent man is banging his head on the wall trying to rationalize why we’re there and how we can do some good and leave with our honor in tact. I think he’s beginning to realize the Vietnamness of the situation. We can only hope that he will not listen to the people who want to make war, who don’t have a clue on how to exit the region, and use his intelligence and position to get us out of this quagmire sooner, not later.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

People can do many honorable things in life, but few if any, are more honorable than standing up to serve our country in a time of need. And no sacrifice is greater than a life given up in service to the country. To all the veterans in America, I salute you and thank you for your service.

I remember a VFW Commander speaking at an assembly when I was in high school. The year was 1962- before Vietnam, and a mere nine years after the Korean War. I remember him saying that he wished his organization would wither away and no one would ever again walk into their midst as a veteran of war. I remember it so well because I remember thinking to myself, “We just endured the Cuban Missile Crisis- what he wants will never happen.” The Cold War was raging and we really had no idea if it would heat up or not.

I grew up in the aftermath of WWII and Korea, and war was always talked about. When I was a kid, we played war, and I endured air raid drills where we would crawl under our desk to safety. The worst of all possible wars was thankfully averted, the Cold War melted, and I felt a great sigh of relief. There was a fleeting moment of time between the fall of the Iron Curtain and the Gulf War when I thought that VFW Commander might finally get his wish.

Vietnam was an unforgivable sacrifice of American lives. I was sure we would never make that mistake again. I was wrong. Now several wars later the President is pondering how many troops to send into war—not the wisdom of being there—only how many to send. My advice to him: the outcome will not be affected by how many troops we send into Afghanistan. The only difference between sending 10,000 or 100,000 troops is how many American lives will be lost. We went there seeking revenge for 9/11. Now people want to send more troops because we're taking casualties. Unfortunately, they become our justification to fight on. The longer we stay, the higher the cost becomes.

In the end, Afghanistan will no doubt remain unchanged. The people who are born there will continue to practice their age-old culture of male domination and the poppy industry. No centralized form of government has ever endured. Tribal thugs will continue to dominate the people. Trying to change the culture through war would be like trying to eliminate racism by killing all the racists. Peace won’t happen this way. The country will not be changed for the better. In the end they will hate us, just as they hated the Russians and the British who preceded us.

We seem destined to create new members for the VFW, despite the good Commander’s wish in that high school assembly in 1962.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Florida’s Moral Compass is Spinning Out of Control

The Supreme Court is hearing arguments on the constitutionality of sentencing children to life in prison without parole for crimes that do not, I repeat, do not involve homicide. Obviously, children who kill may deserve life in prison, although even that may be argued as cruel and unusual punishment. At the heart of the argument is the question of when people are mature enough to be fully culpable for their actions. The court seemed to be hung up on the age thing. Justice Breyer highlighted the dilemma by asking rhetorically, is it 10? No. 11? No. 17? Maybe…

Florida is at the heart of the case. There are 111 juveniles serving life without parole for crimes that do not involve killing. 77 of these cases are in Florida. One example being cited as cruel and unusual punishment is the case of a 13 old convicted of rape. My goodness, the child was barely into puberty! And he gets life without parole… Justice Sotomayor pointed out that the national average sentence for rape is 10 years. She was pointing out how far out of line the Florida punishment is with most of America. It’s not surprising either that many of these cases involve African American boys who raped white girls. Not fifty years ago, they would’ve been lynched  without a trial. Some progress I suppose….

In my view it’s a clear case of too much retribution and not enough consideration for redemption. They shouldn’t call prisons correctional facilities if they only intend to exact public retribution. They should call then punishment facilities and stop implying that redemption and good behavior might be recognized by the system.

State sovereignty may rear its ugly head on this case as well. Even though the rest of the nation may be more lenient and forgiving of children than Florida, Justice Roberts may come down on the side of the state’s right to set the punishment in accordance with the mores of the state, not the nation. But isn't that the kind of logic that tolerated lynching? Justice Thomas, wake up and say something, please...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Should We Teach Our Children to Hunt?

Is this subject even worth debating? … Put guns in the hands of children? For shame! Kill something? Even more shameful… My inital thought is what a stupid thing to do, but it may be worth a little more thought.

My Grandfather took me deer hunting when I was young, and he taught me how to hunt-- I never shot a deer- - but I learned a lot in the process. I think he just enjoyed being with his grandson and teaching me little factoids of life. I enjoyed hearing them. He made deer seem ghostly by their stealthy nature; I was sure I’d never see one. He’d point out where they slept, where they ate, the direction they went, and even where they pooped. He’d pick up the pea shaped scat, roll it in his fingers, sniff it and say, “We just missed him.”.  I never saw a deer while I had my shotgun in hand. Now they roam the field behind my house almost every evening like cows. They seem to know that hunting is forbidden there, and take refuge in the sanctity of my back yard.

Ironically, teaching a child to hunt may teach life long lessons about the value of life. By pursuing a deer in the hunt we learn the value of freedom, and when we take a deer it’s important to teach the value of the life we’re taking. We say a prayer over the body of the animal that would give us life. When we say a blessing before dinner, we say “ Bless this food...”. It no doubt derives from a time when we meant, “Bless this animal that gave it’s life for me…”, but we don’t think of the animal too much anymore, only the benefit we derive from it.

I think I’d rather eat the meat of a wild animal that has lived a free and honorable life, than purchase meat from factory farms that treat animals inhumanly, slaughters them without respect for their lives, and without the dignity they deserve. Most hunters revere their prey; they hunt humanly, and consume the animal with reverence and respect. Nobody gets emotional over a Big Mac, and that’s where the killing places no value on life- nobody remembers the poor mistreated animal when they eat it, nor the freedom and dignity it never had.

We teach our children (and they teach us) about “fast food nation”, and all the perils of mistreating animals, mistreatment of immigrant workers, and the destruction of our forests so farmers can raise cattle, but we keep on eating the products of the system we despise. Is there honor in that? Even if we decide to be vegetarians, there’s still the lingering injustice to the immigrant farm workers, the polution of the land with chemicals, and the spread of genetically engineered crops that may drive plant diversity into extinction.

We can’t all grow our own food, nor can we all eat only from organic, local, sustainable farms that treat the land with reverence. We can try, but on average it’s very hard, if not impossible to exist entirely on food from the farmer's market, unless the farmer’s markets could be accessed daily. Even though it's hard, I’m taking a personal pledge to eat only earth friendly food. I would even eat meat if I could have the honor of blessing the animal that gave its life for me.

So call me stupid, but after thinking about it,  hunting doesn’t seem to be such a bad thing to teach children- especially if they get a holistic lesson of what they are doing and why, and they learn the difference between killing and giving life.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Health Reform Clears First of Four Hurdles

It’s still way too early for the victory dance…. But after a long and contentious debate, health reform made it through the first of four hurdles with the House voting 220 to 215 in favor. It’s a momentous occasion, but the process is far from over. The Senate has to pass their version, and then both the House and the Senate have to pass the merged version before it goes to the President.

Democrats had to concede to Theocrats to allow a deplorable amendment that outlaws any funding for abortions for any person who buys insurance through the exchange- even if the government is not funding it. On principle it stinks, but the better good may end up be served by this concession- - even if further melding of church and state is the collateral damage in return for landmark legislation. It stinks, but that’s how sausage gets made in Washington.

One Republican voted for the bill- Joe Cao from New Orleans. Thanks Joe. Thirty-nine Democrats voted against their party- proving once again that getting alignment with Democrats is like herding cats. The rest of the Republicans voted “no”, in keeping with the party’s policy to oppose any legislation where the interests of the people may trump big business. They also had another opportunity to vote no by  voting unanimously for the amendment to ban all abortion funding for insurance (public and private) in the exchange pool. They only seem to vote yes when they're banning something for the people.

A Republican Congressman from Texas (I don’t recall who it was, nor do I particularly care) even had the gall to argue that states should have the responsibility to provide insurance to their citizens- not big government- this laughable oratory came from the state that has the highest uninsured population in the country.

The bill is not what progressives wanted, but it’s not that bad either. Here’s what we get from the House bill:

· 36 million Americans will now have health insurance and health care
· Children will be able to stay on the parents insurance plan until age 27
· A government public option will be available in the exchange pool
· The donut hole in Medicare drug benefits is closed
· More choices will be available to people- some states are limited to one or two insurance companies today
· Insurance companies cannot deny you coverage with pre-existing conditions (this includes pregnant women)
· Insurance companies cannot drop you if you get sick
· Insurance companies will come under stricter anti-trust regulation to prevent price fixing

Now on to the Senate!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fort Hood Tragedy Has Muslims Ducking for Cover

Here we go again- looking for a sinister explanation of the terrible Fort Hood tragedy. Army Maj Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim American citizen born and raised in this country, undoubtedly intended to take his own life while committing the worst possible act against his fellow men. It’s senseless; but is it an act of organized terrorism?

OK. It may be remotely possible that Hasan was acting completely rational and planned to carry out a terrorist attack against America and his fellow soldiers. It’s remotely possible, but I don’t think so. If he intended to do maximum harm, there are likely a hundred other scenarios he could have planned and carried out that would do much greater damage to us. But we will probably never know what voices were speaking to him. The man is a psychiatrist, practiced in understanding abnormalities of the human thought process. He had likely become a patient, and like most people with mental illness, he probably didn’t know it, nor did he see the horrific actions he took to be a bad thing. He was probably operating under an internal directive to serve some warped idea of the better good. If anything, it shows clearly how our value system, judgment, and consciousness of our actions rely precipitously on a healthy, well-tuned brain; it can’t tell us when it’s flawed or broken. It’s too smart to be out smarted. We lack the built in test equipment that even our cars have- check engine, check brakes, taillight out, tire pressure low, door ajar…

Not surprisingly, the conservative gabinators are characterizing his actions as the tip of the terrorist iceberg in America- the first of many “sleeper” Muslim terrorists planning and intending to do us harm. Millions of innocent, faithful people now must walk with their head tilted down in fear of retaliation and false accusations. It’s the same thinking that drove America to intern Japanese Americans in WWII. They were different than European Americans, and we let ourselves be talked into believing thousands of kind and peace loving American citizens were intent on doing us harm.

Timothy McVeigh planned and executed the Oklahoma City. It was an unforgivable act, and he was executed for it. Until 9/11 it was the worst act of terrorism ever committed on US soil. He was an Army veteran. He served in the Gulf War and earned the Bronze Star. He was a Roman Catholic. He attended Mass almost daily. I don’t remember anyone writing and ranting that Roman Catholics presented a danger to our national security... Because they don’t… Even back in the 1930s Father Charles Coughlin broadcasted antisemitic, anti-American, pro-Hitler garbage to more than forty million listeners weekly. He was exercising his First Amendment right of free speech. We didn't blame Roman Catholics for his actions, nor would we intern people for being Catholic in WWII. Casting doubt about the integrity and intentions of  Muslims because of the actions of one, likely very sick man, is equally absurd.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cap and Trade- the Next Battleground

It seems the Democrats haven’t learned any lessons from the health care reform battle. The energy bill in the Senate committee includes nuclear power permitting and offshore drilling. The Republicans are saying that’s not enough- if cap and trade on CO2 stays in the bill, they’ll reject it.

The Democrats appear to playing Texas Hold’em with all their cards face up while the Republicans have all their cards face down. Rather than craft a partisan bill and then negotiate for what the Republicans want added in, they started with major concessions on the first card. Such a deal… The Republicans don’t have to do anything to get what they want.

The whole process is beginning to smell just like health reform. The lobbyists have both parties in their back pockets. How else would nuclear power and offshore drilling make it into the initial bill? Now Senator Kerry is suggesting if the Republicans don’t bite on these carrots, he’ll bring out his stick and punish them by removing them from the bill. Fat chance. He won’t be able to. The lobbyists won’t let him. In case you think this is small potatoes, the energy lobby has over 2200 lobbyists crawling the halls of Congress- 22 lobbyists for every Senator.

The battle to address global warming, like health care reform, is stacked against the people again. Unfortunately, this battle is probably over before it starts. Here’s an article on the latest buzz:


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Equality Waltz- Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Two Democrat governors were overturned yesterday and Maine repealed the same sex marriage law. Undoubtedly, the frustration about the economy is to blame for the Democrats getting the boot in Virginia and New Jersey. Probably memories of better times- we suppress the bad times- and clinging to the remote hope that more opportunity under a business friendly Republican governor will be a better path to recovery.

But why did Maine repeal the same sex marriage law? Do the people really lack empathy for the civil rights of others, or is it something deeper? It’s the 31st state to deny same sex marriage by voter referendum. It’s clearly deeper than civil rights. I think it's core values in conflict- a deep-seated belief in the sanctity of marriage is competing with the value of equal rights for all- it’s not surprising that the sanctity of marriage wins that tug of wills.

Parental ghosts of our childhood keep reminding us of what’s right and wrong, no matter if it’s true or not. Those ghosts whispering in our mind prevail. We’re nurtured to believe what we believe. They become truths. They can’t be changed easily. Perception becomes reality and that reality can’t be overturned lightly.

In time, younger people will become parents, and they will instill their values on the next generation. They will undoubtedly be more empathetic than past generations. It’s unfortunate that equal rights can’t be imposed like snapping a finger and saying whala! The Supreme Court could say, “Whala”. Maybe they will someday.  Maybe some day we'll separate religious marriage from civil marriage, but not for many years  I'm sure, if ever.

But progress has still been made. The issue is in the public dialogue. Nearly half of the voters in Maine did vote to uphold same sex marriage- that alone may be marked as a victory of sorts. Would nearly half of the voters have endorsed same sex marriage a generation ago? Not likely. So progress is being made two steps forward and one step back at a time.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

One year since more Americans picked Barack Obama than John McCain in the most expensive race in history, and how do we feel about it today? A year later I’m a little impatient, a little frustrated, and a whole lotta disappointed.

Take the war in Iraq. We’re now supposed to be out of Iraq by August 2010. My math says that’s roughly 20 months after he was sworn in. And we won't really out at that time; only the troops that are committed to leave will be out by then. It’s typical Washington double speak. We plan to keep a force of nearly 50,000 troops in Iraq indefinitely, but for some obscure reason they don’t count. Why, I don’t know. But it fits the policy of all the other wars we fought and won. We still have troops in Germany and Japan sixty-four years after the end of the war.

Health care reform will likely be signed into law before years end. One small step for mankind, one giant leap for the health insurance industry. You can bet they will charge whatever is needed to be profitable, and being forced to take on all comers will only raise their risk, so the price of health insurance will go up to cover it. Some people will get insurance they couldn’t get before, but at what price? Forget the public option, it has a pulse, but it won’t survive.

Gay rights in America went nowhere this year, and got no support from the President. “Don’t ask, don’t tell” is still the policy in the Armed Forces, and good people are still being discharged from the service, losing their careers, for being honest and forthright about who they are and who they love. The President is dragging his feet on this issue intentionally. President Clinton attempted to address the gay rights issue early in his first term and it derailed him from getting traction on other issues.

Obama’s war, Afghanistan, is a major disappointment. We should be leaving, not increasing our presence there. It’s a tar pit that will cost more precious American lives and only breed more terrorists- the friends and relatives of innocent people who are killed by our indiscriminate bombing. I feel that he knows he’s made the wrong choice, but can’t come up with a way to change his strategy. If the war is still raging in three years he’ll be one term president.

The bailouts and the stimulus programs are an addict’s drug. When the money stops flowing, what happens then? The problem will still be there. People will still be unemployed; houses will still be in foreclosure, Wall St will still be the world’s largest casino and pressure for corporate growth will continue to fuel credit spending and investments on margin. It’s the same game, no change.

The Patriot Act is about to be renewed. This is another major disappointment and a major defeat for our freedoms and the First Amendment.

I should feel better about having President Obama in the White House, but the "change I can believe in" hasn't happened,  so I’m not feeling optimistic that it ever will happen.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Me versus We

The age old debate of the rights of the individual versus the common good seems to be coming back to the forefront with the Obama Administration pushing for mandated universal health care, increased regulation, unprecedented bailouts of banks and auto companies, and a general higher priority for issues that affect the general common good. There’s even renewed interest in Ayn Rand for her fierce stance against socialism, and of course Marxism. Our Constitution addresses both the individual and the common good for a wide variety of topics. People on one side or the other tend to read and interpret it with a filter for their personal beliefs. People on both ends of the political spectrum would probably like to shred it and start over.

I heard a Libertarian on the radio the other day say that the Constitution just defines our rights as individuals, not for the group, and that individual rights should always take precedence over the group. What’s interesting about that view is Libertarians can only exist within a group. If one person lives alone, isolated from society, every action is both libertarian and for the common good. There is no conflict or priority. The need to state an importance of one view over the other only exists when the group exists. So without a group there can be no Libertarianism. Taken to the extreme, Libertarianism is pure chaos, every individual living however they choose with no consideration for the group. Marxism goes to the opposite extreme by placing little or no value on the rights of the individual over the common good. That form of government hasn’t proved to be too successful either- - although some people might argue to the contrary. We confuse Marxism and Dictatorships. All Marxist governments have been dictators. A Marxist society born out of a true democracy has never existed. The Socialist democracies of Sweden and Denmark may be the closest thing to it.

I’m no expert on the Constitution, but there are several factoids that give evidence to the group being more important than the individual. For instance, the Preamble starts with, “We the people…” not, “Me the person”. Imminent Domain, while not stated explicitly, is derived from the 5th Amendment and considered settled law. It specifically states that persons shall be compensated for any property taken for use by the public for the public good. This has been extended with some controversy, to include property that can be taken by Imminent Domain for private commercial use as well, as long as the public good is served by the use. The Constitution also explicitly states that roads shall be provided by the Federal Government for the postal service. That granted the government the authority to take land by imminent domain for any federal road, and in so doing, was serving the common good.

I suppose Libertarians would prefer to each build only private roads and not allow anyone else to use it without their permission, which of course would include a toll. Many bridges and roads were privately owned when the country was young. The government wasn’t equipped to administer and maintain nationwide projects. Besides, we were only just evolving as a nation. So Libertarians are free to enjoy the largest government public works project ever built for the common good. A true Libertarian should probably stay off all Federal roads to avoid compromising their principals.

The tension between the rights of individuals and the common good will always exist. Since we first gathered in tribes as prehistoric people, we’ve had to make rules and consider the common good to preserve peace and tranquility. Our need to address the common good will probably increase as our population grows. The rights of individuals will likely continue to erode. Environmental protection laws and smoking bans are recent examples. It’s unfortunate in some respects, but how else can six billion people live in peace and harmony?