The art of dowsing has been around for millennia. Some people believe in the skills of paranormal behavior to search and detect all sorts of objects, including water and graves hidden from obvious determination. The search for water is most common and frankly, believed to work even by people educated in science. Why do we accept what we can not explain? Because we want to?
Fortuitously, the art art of dowsing for water is aided by the fact that most of the subterranean soil and rock is saturated with water making the probability of detecting water with a stick nearly 100%. This takes me to the question at hand. Can we detect an dishonest politician with a dowsing rod? Since all politicians are dishonest, to a degree, then we are bound to succeed by dowsing a politician for honesty.
Does dowsing work? No. Does it detect water? Yes. Does it detect a dishonest politician? Yes. Wow! Imagine their reaction if you greeted a politician with a dowsing rod and proclaimed you can detect their integrity. I can hear the audience crying out from here, “Get him outta here!”. We want to believe, so we do believe, both the dishonest politician and dowsing.
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