As the political theater rolls along toward our NH primary, one must wonder how long Donald Trump and Ben Carson can sustain a campaign fueled by un-Christian behavior, prejudice and disregard for our Constitution. Both Trump and Carson would be happy to the toss the Constitution in the trash.
Trump would register all Muslims (Is sewing a Green Crescent on their clothing next?). Carson doesn’t think they should be allowed to run for president. Trump would monitor all Islamic Temples. I can not believe that ordinary Americans are not outraged and not speaking out against these outlandish Hilteresk ideas!
In the latest red meat speech Trump went way overboard, saying he saw “...thousands and thousands of people in Jersey City cheering...” when the Twin Towers came down on 911. In this modern age of everything being caught on video, the news media came up empty trying to find the thousands of people Trump said he saw. Trump slithered over to Fox News for refuge and when asked about it he still would not back down, and even claimed the news media censored it! Carson quietly agreed, then waffled the next day, but never called him out on the big lie. The other Republicans were equally mute on the issue.
At his speech in Alabama one black protester spoke out, and rather than handling the disruption like an adult (or a presidential candidate), Trump encouraged the crowd to a frenzy, where upon the protester was kicked and beaten to the ground by six or seven Trump fans while he egged them on them repeatedly saying “get him out of here, get him out , get him out of here...”.
I can understand the behavior of the Alabama people. After all, Alabama is one of the most racist, bigoted populations in the country. But for Trump to incite them to violence like some KKK Grand Wizard is not only behavior unworthy of a presidential candidate, it is un-American. If the Republicans persist in sustaining their campaigns based on fear, hatred, and bigotry with total disregard for our Constitution, we have nobody to blame but ourselves if they are successful.
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