Monday, July 15, 2013

Zimmerman Verdict: Justice Aborted in an Anti-Abortion State

This is what bothers me about the Zimmerman verdict: If a twenty something black guy, armed with a gun, stalked a 15 year old white kid returning from the store with a box Skittles, and the little white kid had the nerve to try to defend himself, and was shot and killed in the process, what would’ve happened to the black dude with gun? He’d be on death row now,  that’s what.

Southerners  hate to see the race card waived in their face, but damn, wake up!  Zimmerman could’ve defended himself with his fists.  That’s  what Martin was trying to do. If Martin had the upper hand on him, Zimmerman would’ve been a very sore and beat up guy, but he’d still be alive!  Shooting an unarmed man, even in a scuffle, has always been considered excessive use of force, that is, unless you’re a white guy pulling the trigger and a black guy receiving the bullet.

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