Mitt Romney has written off 47% of America citizens who don’t pay income taxes (ostensibly the poorest Americans) and he makes them sound like a bunch of government dependent freeloaders who only support Democrats because they all want more government, not less government. He has written them all off as unreachable in the presidential race. He claims they’re all supporting Obama. He said, “ job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for for their lives...” .
Let’s break down this group of government freeloaders and see who he’s really talking about. It’s actually closer to 46%, but you’ll get the gist of who he’s referring to:
6.9 % are non-elderly, low income earners making less than $20,000 a year. Yep, these are the poorest of the poor, and he’s right, they don’t see any value in lowering taxes on the rich, but he wants them to think that “tinkle-down” economics will be their life raft to the American dream.
10.3% are elderly retired workers. Did I say workers? Yes, people who worked all their life and now are living out their golden years on their life savings and a modest Social Security check. It is so Republican that Mitt Romney isn’t concerned about this group of big government worshippers. In fact, he’s so uninterested in this group he and Paul Ryan would love to kill Social Security and give that responsibility to Wall St. Yeah, those people really care about low income people.
27.3% are currently employed workers-- again, let me emphasize “workers”-- people not on welfare, who pay the payroll tax every week, but at the end of the year don’t earn enough to pay income tax. These are our waiters, maids, teachers, farm laborers, factory workers, healthcare workers, garbage collectors, janitors, secretaries, part-time students, day care providers, etc, etc, etc. These people are employed, not unemployed, not on welfare, not on food stamps, and not dependent of government handouts. They work. But if they don’t earn enough money to qualify for an income tax at the end of the year, I’m sure a Republican controlled Congress could fix that. They would love to increase the taxes on these people to fund even more tax cuts for the rich.
1% (the infamous 1%!) earn so much money they manage to avoid paying income tax through off-shore accounts and shady tax shelters only available to the super wealthy. Gee, I wonder if Mitt Romney realizes he was talking about himself? This is one group of tax dodgers we really should slam. This is the group who moves jobs to China, kills unions, want to kill Medicare, and destroyed the lives of millions of Americans with their reckless gambling on Wall St. This is Mitt Romney’s core constituency.
These one-percenters need to start taking personal responsibility, instead of chasing unbridled greed and hoarding their wealth in the Cayman Islands, they should start fulfilling their social contract with humanity by contributing their fair share to the society that has enabled them to achieve their American dream.
These one-percenters need to start taking personal responsibility, instead of chasing unbridled greed and hoarding their wealth in the Cayman Islands, they should start fulfilling their social contract with humanity by contributing their fair share to the society that has enabled them to achieve their American dream.
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