We’re heading for Armadebton. One way out of this mess is to go into default, declare bankruptcy, and then get China to forgive our debt. Just wipe the slate clean and start over. After all, this isn’t real money anyway. It’s only a perceived value. The stock market could crash back to where it belongs… say… around 5000. Half of the banks would dry up. Middleclass America wouldn’t miss them anyway.
We could also cut spending drastically by 20 to 30 percent. But unemployment will push up to 25 to 30 percent. And don’t expect any unemployment checks. You’ll just have to sit on the porch and whittle souvenirs for the rich Chinese tourists. Or people will leave America and seek a new life where opportunities abound in the Old World- or in China, India, Brazil- the new frontiers of economic exploitation.
The only other way out this debt is through massive inflation. If we could just make inflation get bigger- say up to 10 or 15 % annually, then our outstanding debt would shrink like my old mortgage. This is actually a nice by-product of default because our interest rates will skyrocket like a sailor’s payday loan when our bond rating tanks.
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