Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Obama- The Great Compromiser

The art of compromise is finding a solution that everyone hates, but they vote for anyway.  The President seems to be on track as “The Great Compromiser” of all time.  Early on he compromised on his pledge to end the war in Iraq by delaying the withdrawal of troops and leaving 50, 000 troops in Iraq after he pronounced the combat to be over.

Then, after promising to close Guantanamo, he now sees no immediate closure in sight.  After supporting the public option as an alternative to private, for-profit health insurance corporations, he compromised by giving the health insurance industry 32 million new “consumers” of private health insurance, rather than fight to include the public option.

Now we have the greatest insult of all, the President caved in to the GOP’s position and agreed to continue the Bush tax cuts for millionaires. This comes after he already gave up any hope of a Climate Change bill, slow rolled on DADT, and completely ignored Union Reform legislation. He must have nothing more to give. He’s all compromised out.

I’m beyond being tired of defending the President. My faith in his ability to bring change to America is gone.  He’s become a DINO- Democrat in Name Only.  We are truly being ruled by Demopublicans.

1 comment:

  1. It appears to me the only difference between a Democrat and a Republican is the rhetoric. The actions of both parties are the same (barring a few in each party). If Americans really want change, they should look to what the Russian people did a hundred years ago. No one willingly gives up power.
