Monday, August 16, 2010

The Twenty-eighth Amendment to Repeal Citizenship?

No (non-religious) document is more revered than our US Constitution. At 221 years old, we’ve seen fit to amend it only 27 times. One of those amendments, the Eighteenth, was a frivolous imposition of religious morality into the lives of Americans. The Twenty-first Amendment undid that act of imposed morality, so we’re only left with twenty-five that mean anything today.

Now with so much animosity toward undocumented aliens, conservatives would like to amend the Constitution to not recognize the citizenship of people born in the United States if their parents are not citizens or legal aliens. This seems ludicrous, yet elected Congressmen and Senators are talking about this seriously, but I think they’re just riding the latest anti-Obama wave, and looking for campaign fodder.

I assume (and hope) this amendment has no chance of being adopted by Congress or ratified by the States, yet the right wing talking heads will likely ruminate on this till the cows come home.  What they’re doing is creating new campaign fodder to highlight the difference between Democrats and Republicans- as if we needed another gene to be identified in addition to homophobia, racialphobia, Moslemphobia, Obamaphobia, taxphobia, carbonphobia, climatephobia, terrorphobia, warphobia, Obamacarephobia, and debtphobia- now we have immigrationphobia.

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