Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bon Voyage Rush Limbaugh!

I’ve been enjoying the conservative rant this week- especially Rush Limbaugh. Wasn’t he moving to Costa Rica if the health reform passed??? I suppose he didn’t really mean it. I wonder what else he really doesn’t mean when he rants??

According to the conservatives we’ve lost our freedom, tyranny is ruling in Washington, and the country is going to socialist hell in a hand basket. Come November all the Democrats will be booted out of office and life will return to normal, whew- just in time.

I chuckle at the thought of majority rule being called tyranny. These whining conservatives must think democracy is rule by minority. Taken one step farther, maybe the smallest minority would have the most power by their definition of democracy. Yep. Then the party that’s giving tea a bad name could run the government, ole lip stick Palin could set us straight (as opposed to gay), and everything would be hunky dory. You betcha.

Rush has his Hanes in a wad over the name calling too- calls them a bunch of babies. He says he gets death threats everyday. He says it comes with the job. Live with it. Of course if he didn’t slam liberals on a daily basis he wouldn’t have an audience or a program. Name calling is his life blood. The uglier the better. Unfortunately he has a large audience that believes and worships his every word. I try not to think about that too much. I get goose bumps.

Oh well, we got some health reforms. Maybe the people who benefit from these reforms will like it. Maybe some Republicans will get booted for being anti-people and too pro-corporation. Probably not, but the thought takes away my goose bumps.

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