Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Who Would Save a Drowning Person- Hillary or Bernie?

Let's pretend a person is drowning in a pond. Bernie Sanders comes along, and seeing the person,  Bernie  makes the difficult decision to jump in to save the drowning man immediately. 

Now let's pretend Hillary encounters the poor soul drowning in the pond. She would likely stand on the shore, ruminate on her chances of success,  look around to see if anybody notices her, finding no one, stands there while the victim struggles close enough to shore for her to lend a hand, only then would she reach out and offer help, and afterward take credit for saving a life. 

Yet if the poor soul drowned she would probably say the time was not  right for her to jump in. She would reassure us that  in the future she is resolved to save a drowning person without hesitation. 

For Bernie, only making the right decision matters, regardless of how politically unpopular it may be. I trust Bernie to make those tough decisions in the future-- the first time-- when it matters, not the second or third time.

Friday, October 9, 2015

McCarthy Wants Fresh Faces, but not Fresh Ideas

As Kevin McCarthy stepped out of the race for Speaker he said the GOP needs a fresh face. Not true. They need fresh ideas. Ideas that make common sense. 

Ignoring gun violence, playing doctor with women, creating jobs overseas, giving money to billionaires, killing unions, denying fair wages, opposing equal rights for all, retrenching  old Jim Crowe tactics in the south to disenfranchise minorities, and voting to repeal Obamacare on a weekly basis isn't working out too well for all but the fringe elements of the party. 

The fact that John Boehner is considered too liberal for these Tea Party wackos speaks volumes about their misguided ideology.

Even  Saint Ronald would be tossed on the street today. He provided amnesty to illegal immigrants and increased government spending more than any of his predecessors. He also brought down the Soviet Union with diplomacy, not war. Yep. Even Reagan was a liberal by today's goofball yardstick. 

NYTImes Update

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Buying a Gun Should be as Difficult as Getting an Abortion

We should treat every young man who wants to buy a gun like every woman who wants to get an abortion:  impose a mandatory 48 hr waiting period, require parental permission, obtain a note from his doctor proving he understands what he is about to do, be forced to watch about the effects of gun violence, undergo an embarrassing ultrasound wand in one of his orifices (just because). 

We should close down all but one gun shop in every state and make him travel hundreds of miles, take time off work without pay, and stay overnight in a strange town alone. 

Make him walk through a gauntlet of people holding photos of loved ones who were killed by gun, and have people call him a murderer and beg him to turn around and  go home.

  Both abortion and gun ownership are rights confided to us in the Constitution as interpreted by SCOTUS, yet the obstacles imposed on women are far more severe than buying a gun-  and no woman who ever had an abortion killed a room full of people in seconds. Buying and carrying a gun with the ability to kill someone should be at least as difficult as getting an abortion.

Thoughts and prayers are not enough. We need radical legislation to curb gun murder.