Israel lives in fear, surrounded by people and countries that would deny them their right to exist. While we’ve lived with the aftermath of 911 for almost nine years, this has been there way of life forever. Everyone in Israel lives in constant awareness of kidnappings, suicide bombs, and random shootings, not to mention rockets lobbed into Israeli settlements. I spent a lot of time in Israel back the in the early 1980s. Twenty-five years ago they were living in more constant fear of their safety than we could ever imagine. We have no frame of reference for the constant threat of terrorist actions they face everyday since their country was born.
Since the holocaust and end of WWII these people have banned together with very little international support, except from America, and they tenaciously have held onto a dream of living in peace on their homeland. Sure, they act without hesitation when they are threatened, and they can be unmerciful in their treatment of their enemies, but really, can you blame them? If Hamas took a more peaceful approach to their relationship with Israel three years ago when they took power in the election, the invasion of Gaza in 2008 and the blockade would never have happened. A blockade of good intentions has attempted to squeeze Hamas out of power by turning popular support against them from within Gaza. Is it working? Hardly. Israel is now holding a smelly wet dog and nobody wants to come near them- even the US.
Israel made a tactical error sending Commando Troops to stop the humanitarian aid flotilla. Diplomacy would have surely worked and they may have even garnered more international support for their actions. They didn’t do that. Now the images of black clothed commandos boarding the ship and the unfortunate deaths of civilians has all the air of Kent State, and the action is condemned by the world regardless of the provocation or why it all happened in the first place.
Israel doesn’t want to cause pain and suffering to civilians in Gaza, but they are. There is no logical reason for Israel to foment more hatred by Palestinians. The Palestinians have brought the situation on themselves by supporting the terrorist Hamas government that is determined to wage guerilla war on Israel. But the blockade does hurt innocent people and the people are growing up to hate Israel more than ever, and Israel is growing a new generation of Arabs who will fight for their cause against Israel. This is the blockade of evil. This is where Israel is shooting themselves in the foot.
The US is stuck in the middle. If we support Israel we damage our relationship with the Arab world. If we follow the world opinion in condemning Israel, then Israel will be isolated and precariously closer to war- even a nuclear option if their backs are against the wall. Militarily, Israel has no equal in the Middle East. We can’t let the tensions continue to grow. Our only option is to pursue diplomacy in a way that relieves the tension. We need to be neutral, but supportive of both countries. This may well be the test of President Obama’s presidency. How he handles our role in this affair will shape his presidency in both domestic and international circles. This could become the test that Vice President Biden referred to, or maybe it’s the BP oil spill. One thing is certain; his job just keeps getting harder, not easier.